Rant and Rave here!

Im sorry if there is a thread like this already but Im desperate for a rant!

I have been talking to this guy for 3 weeks now, we like the same things, he is funny and seems like a nice guy. At the start he seemed keen, complementing me and hinting that he wanted to go out with me. I got nervous and said to stop. We had a bad conversation but it hasn't stopped us from talking.

I have his number and we talk a bit. Tonight we started to talk and had a pleasant conversation, at the end of the conversation I said "Thanks for the chat" And he said "No problem kiddo" To which i was taken a back! I mean I know he is 2 years older 1 school year but there was no need for that. I don't know if he was trying to say Im not interested in you or if he was just playing...

Im confused, I don't know what to do...

Do you have any problems?

Happy ranting!

Half N Half

Well-known member
Well it sounds like you told him you want him to stop whatever he was saying or doing. So if that's what you told him, he probably thinks that you're not ready and you just want to be friends. Guys are very literal. For the most part, what they say is what they mean and I think it's us women who tend to read into things WAY too much. But then again I could be wrong


Well-known member
Mr RR calls me Kiddo all the time and he was born only 6 months before me.

However, you did tell him to stop and he has done as you asked. You can't be mad at him for that. If he asked you to do something for him and you did it, you know you'd be pissed if he asked you why you were doing as he asked.

Put yourself in his shoes


Well-known member
You know...my ex has a tendency to call me kiddo...I have no idea why he calls me that, but it pisses me the hell off. ...so I've started calling him old man...or fogey...I think he's getting the picture.
The PPs do have a point though, you asked him to stop, so he's probably just treating you like a friend...either that OR you caught him off guard by thanking him for the chat, and that was just the first thing that flew out of his mouth. LOL That's a likely scenario, too...guys don't always do too well with responses when they're not expecting something.