Re-create Jordana girls' looks


Active member
Hmm, why moved?


(I wonder why my message was moved, but never mind). Whereever it is, what I am expecting to see are the pictures of our pretty girls in similar looks. I do not need recommendations. I do not really care about what they use either. I'm just interested in the beauty, that's all. (I'm ugly, so I can't do that on mine face. But I always love to see more and more new FOTDs). Thank you.


Well-known member
Hi there. to answer your first question..
your message was moved to reccomendations cos that's what it really is. The FOTD forum is generally for people posting pictures of themselves with makeup on, not for suggesting tuturiols or reccomendations... hope that answered it. It just makes it easy for people to access and find stuff if it is catergorised in that way


New member
jess said it best, i moved it because the FOTD forum is just for people who are showing off their looks! but people will still see this here (promise- i'll keep bumping it up lol). and dont say ur ugly... i swear, everyone is beautiful just that most of the time they dont see it in themselves!!!


New member
I am going to try that look today. If it looks good or at least showable I will post you a link here to it in the FOTD area.

nycky Thanks for that link to the "get that look" I couldn't find that anywhere on the site.