Reader's Digest Author of the Year: Richard Dawkins for "The God Delusion"


Well-known member
I will never, ever understand why some people cannot just accept that other people know their own hearts and minds and are perfectly content with their own belief systems.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Gemstone
Just ignore the Bible citations, take the challenge!

I dont need to take the challenge. I told you, we go dancing on a regular basis. It's not my fault that you dont have as personal a relationship with God as I do.

I really do feel bad for you, perhaps if you tried harder, you too could dance with god on a nightly basis. He even buys me drinks


Well-known member
RaeRae, I'm cracking up.
Can I come on the next Vegas trip?

Gemstone, please understand that while you might believe that there is a god, others don't. That's wonderful that it helps you to sleep at night knowing that there's someone out there that offers you spiritual guidence, but I don't believe that in the least.

That's not for lack of trying. I went to Catholic grammar school, went to mass at least once a week, served as an altar girl, and even read the Bible every night for years. I still don't believe there is a god- why? Because the belief that there is a god is based off of flawed and contridictory books that have been edited, censored, and re-written so many times that even if there was some sort of diety, their words are so misconstrued that it's probably not what they intended it to be.

Now that's just the tip of the iceberg for my reasons for being an atheist. But understand that we're not a bunch of heathens running around and corrupting society who need to be saved- we're people who have thought it out and came to our own conclusions. I'm not telling you to be an atheist, but I also don't want you to encourage me to believe in god.

It works both ways darlin.


Active member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I dont need to take the challenge. I told you, we go dancing on a regular basis. It's not my fault that you dont have as personal a relationship with God as I do.

Originally Posted by Raerae

I really do feel bad for you, perhaps if you tried harder, you too could dance with god on a nightly basis. He even buys me drinks

Actually, I do dance with God. And he buys me drinks... we get drunk in the Spirit. Why drink the cheap stuff when you can have the best?


Active member
Originally Posted by Dizzy
RaeRae, I'm cracking up.
Can I come on the next Vegas trip?

Gemstone, please understand that while you might believe that there is a god, others don't. That's wonderful that it helps you to sleep at night knowing that there's someone out there that offers you spiritual guidence, but I don't believe that in the least.

That's not for lack of trying. I went to Catholic grammar school, went to mass at least once a week, served as an altar girl, and even read the Bible every night for years. I still don't believe there is a god- why? Because the belief that there is a god is based off of flawed and contridictory books that have been edited, censored, and re-written so many times that even if there was some sort of diety, their words are so misconstrued that it's probably not what they intended it to be.

Now that's just the tip of the iceberg for my reasons for being an atheist. But understand that we're not a bunch of heathens running around and corrupting society who need to be saved- we're people who have thought it out and came to our own conclusions. I'm not telling you to be an atheist, but I also don't want you to encourage me to believe in god.

It works both ways darlin.

Religion and ritual can really burn people out, and leave you still hungry for a real experience.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Gemstone
Actually, I do dance with God. And he buys me drinks... we get drunk in the Spirit. Why drink the cheap stuff when you can have the best?​

He's also my baby's daddy.​