I reported every single one of her make-up items this morning to eBay, including her fake Lancome ones. I know all of these are fake because when i went to China last year, i went to this huge building/shopping centre where they sell fake bags and stuff, and they had fake make-up! Everything from Chanel, Dior, Lancome, Estee Lauder and MAC.
I also wrote her an email telling her that the prodcuts are fake and if she didn't realise that then she should consider taking her items down from auction. If she replies like she did to Lara, saying that she knew the items were counterfeit, i will forward her email to eBay as proof she had knowledge of the fact they are counterfeit and they can deal with her. It is illeagal to sell counterfeit items of any kind on eBay. This chick needs to be banned, not only is it just completely wrong, but its so unsafe to be using products that haven't been FDA approved...