Real or fake? Help Aussie Specktras!


Well-known member
not 100& sure but it looks fake to me, its a strange shape and the 'eyeshadow' written on the pallette doesn't look very mac


Well-known member
Looks like a fake to me.

Her other e/s are fakes too, they come with little mirrors and the boxes do not have a double window on them.


Well-known member
I have been on this board for a long time and have never seen anyone with a pallete like that. And there are some girls with freakin HUGE and very complete collections on here. I would be very leary about buying that,...If it were me I would snap a screenshot of the and e-mail it over to MAC and ask,...... Mwah-hahahahaha,.......

Butterfly Princess

Well-known member
I live in Australia and have never seen that. I remember another person bought something like that. She posted about it it the fake thread in the suggestion forums. Looking at the other items the seller is elling I would say it is fake. The eyshadows they are selling have the inbuilt mirror thing and they are selling fake Juicy tubes. HTH


Well-known member
Actually, *all* the MAC stuff she has is fake. There is no MAC logo on the top of our liners - that compact... the box it comes in is even all wrong... the blush packaging is wrong...
Can you report her?


Well-known member
All her products are fake. I've had an email stoush with her before - as far as she's concerned, anyone who buys obviously fake MAC is an idiot who doesn't deserve to have money.


Well-known member
Lara - sounds like she's just *mean*!!! So I just took a few minutes to log all her listing numbers and sent a big email off to Ebay.
Dunno that they do anything... they sent me back this big "thank you for reporting but don't ask us anything because we can't tell you what we did because of privacy laws" thingamagig.
If she lists them again I guess it's a sign they didn't and I get snarky... I guess the thing to check is the packaging (the box for the eyeshadows had silver on it!) and the labelling on the product itself.


Well-known member
Yeah, she's a real piece of work. I pointed out that not everyone knows what consists of 'obviously' fake MAC (let alone convincing fake MAC products), and her attitude was 'sucks to be them'. :/

I've reported her listings a bunch of times but nothing seems to come from it.


Well-known member
I reported every single one of her make-up items this morning to eBay, including her fake Lancome ones. I know all of these are fake because when i went to China last year, i went to this huge building/shopping centre where they sell fake bags and stuff, and they had fake make-up! Everything from Chanel, Dior, Lancome, Estee Lauder and MAC.

I also wrote her an email telling her that the prodcuts are fake and if she didn't realise that then she should consider taking her items down from auction. If she replies like she did to Lara, saying that she knew the items were counterfeit, i will forward her email to eBay as proof she had knowledge of the fact they are counterfeit and they can deal with her. It is illeagal to sell counterfeit items of any kind on eBay. This chick needs to be banned, not only is it just completely wrong, but its so unsafe to be using products that haven't been FDA approved...


Well-known member
I sent a message to the bidders of her fake items to give them a heads up! I hate sellers who think they can get away with crap like this!!!


Well-known member
I've seen this woman before, and I know people that have bought from her,all fake of course. Also some of the so called MAC lipglasses she had on auction, when she has sent them out to people, they have been used, the seals broken and half the contents of the product gone.


Well-known member
I got a response form one of the girls who I contacted and she was very thankful. I also gave her the link to Specktra, so hopefully she will join our MAC cult errrrr I mean board! =0)~


Well-known member
I'm thinking that this forum is a very good indeed. If we, as community start working together and tagging these auctions as soon as someone alerts them to us and it is confirmed they are selling fakes, maybe it will have an impact. I imagine if just one person tags an auction as counterfeit, then it's a low priority for eBay. But if they receive a flood of complaints regarding a certain seller, then they are more likely to take action.
For me, it's not as much about the copyright infringement as it is a health and safety concern. No one has any idea what ingredients or conditions these were made under. I would hate to see anyone become sick or get an infection from using one these items. I can also pretty much guarantee that the workers who made these weren't paid fair dollar for their labor either. Just bad always around for everyone and people who sell this garbage make eBay a less reliable market place for the rest of us.

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