really weird..


Well-known member
well this is kinda random/weird..but on my armpit a longgg time ago i had this weird little bump on it. it had like a tiny black dot on i thought it was like a trapped hair or whatever in it. i figured it would go away and it never has, and just today i was looking in the mirror and i noticed the bump, only the little black dot is gone and i can actually feel the bump a lot more, like it got bigger. so my question is..has this ever happened to any of you? if so, any idea what it is or anything? sorry, it's really random but it kinda tripped me out haha..thaaanks. i had no idea where else to post this. :confused:


Well-known member
it could be some kind of ingrown hair or a shaving bump but you might want to go to your derm to have her check it out beacuse you never know also it could be caused by the deoderant your using so keep that in mind.


Well-known member
it sounds like an ingrowing hair. if it is sore, or red, see your doctor as the hair follicle may be infected.


Well-known member
I've had an ingrown hair in my armpit that lasted for atleast a year... And it never got infected. It was wierd. So you're probably not going to die, I'm still here!


Well-known member
sounds gross.. but whenever i find stuff like that in my srmpit i start picking at it with my tweezers. lol. prolly not the best thing to do. then i dab it with alcohol. ouch. but hey! it goes away!