Rec a Pink E/S For Me!


Well-known member
I want to stop in and pick up a pink e/s. I am a NW15.

which ones do you guys just looove?


Well-known member
Depends whether you want "sweet, girly" pink or "BANG! in your face HAWT punky pink", really...... from sweet/girly to fuller-on I'll list the ones I've got... for ref I'm NW20 and I looooooove pink eyeshadow :-

Seedy Pearl: a very unique pale pink/lavendar duochrome shimmer, think "mother of pearl" in an eyeshadow, uber-versatile, my all-time favourite e/s, but not particularly "pink".

Sweet Lust: glittery pale pink with a touch of peachiness. Pretty, pinker than Seedy Pearl, but still very subtle.

Da Bling: shimmery medium satiny pink, I don't find myself reaching for this much, but it is a very nice colour. Kinda like the colour of a ballet slipper IMHO. A good basic light/medium pink.

Expensive Pink: this might be CALLED pink, but don't think girly pink, think CHAMPAGNE pink. It's closer to peach than pink in a lot of ways, I usually wear it with colours like Falling Star (pinkish copper) and Hush (pale peach), if that helps. It is one of the most beautiful eyeshadows in MAC's collection IMHO, it has a beautiful shimmery metallic look to it and goes well with a surprising variety of different colours..... it's just not very "pink" if that's what you're after, is all.

Sushi flower: I second knoxydoll's recommendation. Quite a hot/bold peachy pink in the pan but subtler on, because it is somewhat sheer (I actually like this, as it makes it more versatile, you can layer it up for a strong effect or use it as a pinkish "wash" over other colours). Minimum shimmer.

Stars 'N Rockets: quite a blueish hot-fuschia pink with striking purple-blue duochrome, this is very pigmented and absolutely gorgeous... though other folks here will probably argue this is closer to a purple than a hot pink. Does look hot pink on me (NW20) but I won't argue at all that its very purplish.

Passionate: I include this reluctantly as IMHO it's RED, RED, RED not pink I tellya lol!!!!..... but most people describe this as a very vibrant "hot" pink and I've seen it right enough look very pink (and very lovely) in looks on here.

If you're not sure which pink is right for you, I'd say go for Sushi flower, as it's the most versatile of all the MAC ones I've got.


Well-known member
I'm NW20 and I love Hepcat although it might be a little more on the purple/plum side of things..still a great colour though!


Well-known member
I'm an NW15 and I have such a hard time wearing pinks because I have red hair and freckles, so everything makes me look like I have pink eye haha. The only one I can pull off though is Angelcake, and it was LE a long time ago so it might be hard to find. That's probably not much help at all, I'm sorry haha!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prinzessin784
I'm an NW15 and I have such a hard time wearing pinks because I have red hair and freckles, so everything makes me look like I have pink eye haha. The only one I can pull off though is Angelcake, and it was LE a long time ago so it might be hard to find. That's probably not much help at all, I'm sorry haha!

Have you tried Expensive Pink?


Well-known member
Pink freeze is a nice and versatile e/s too. I wore Pink Freeze with Hepcat today and it looked kinda nice.