received a MAC package today...and it wasn't for me...


Well-known member
My husband found a UPS delivery on our was a black MAC box...since he thought it was mine, he opened it. It wasn't mine (I don't order from MAC online). Apparently, it was delivered to our house instead of the one that's 1 block away (same house number, different street). Inside was a tube of Strobe Cream, a Studio Fix Powder, a concealer, Coppertone blush and a Refined Golden bronzer. I have to admit that for the briefest of moments, I considered keeping the stuff, but I was taught better than that, and I sealed the box back up and took it to its rightful owner (they weren't home, but I left a note). I know some people might think that I was dumb for giving the stuff back, but at least I can rest easy knowing that I did the right thing...


Well-known member
You should be so proud of yourself! If everyone did that, the world would be a better place!


Well-known member
i think that's great! i know a girl who's mac box got swiped when UPS left it on her doorstep... she was heartbroken! i'm sure you made that girl's day


Well-known member did the right thing. The man above will reward you in another way for being honest. I would have done the same too.


Well-known member
That is SAINTLY of you! Extremely respectable, I'm not going to lie, I most likely would have kept it, unless the guilt got too bad!


Well-known member
I wouldn't have kept it and I'm glad you didn't either. It's bad karma. It would have come back on me.


Well-known member
I think I might have kept it. But then again what if it was me on the other end? the ups didnt deliver it to my home and I paid? Id be pissed! Im so glad you did that! It makes me think twice too!


Staff member
You did the right thing. I would have been tempted too, but given it to the rightful owner.


Well-known member
"It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to do.." *stop cheese* Very amazing of you to give the box to the rightful owner, tough as it is! You're a decent and good person, and we definitely need more like you around!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Anyone who thinks it's dumb that you returned a package is a jerk. That's what you're supposed to do and it's really sad and horrible that people do not.


Well-known member
That was really honest and sweet of you. I would not have kept it either as I do believe in Karma as well and would have felt wayyy too guilty.


Well-known member
that's nice of you! But doesn't ups need a signature? you certainly saved the girl a lot of desperate phonecalls

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