Recognising Customers?


Well-known member
A question for those who work on cosmetic counters in stores. Do you often recognise customers when they come back or do you see so many people they all begin to blur? Obviously this is going to depend on how often they come to the store!

I love having a bit of a rapport with the MA serving me and there is one girl on my regular counter who recognises me and i love being served by her but I don’t think the others do, or if they do they don’t let on.
I was just wondering how to build up a rapport with the others and if, as someone working in a store, they are also interested in this?



Well-known member
I am always recognized. Therefore, I always treated the ladies and gentlemen with the utmost respect.

They tell me that they never forget those who want things for free or the those with attitudes.


Well-known member
I remember most faces, but I'm terrible with names. My hardcore regulars, I could probably tell you their full name, occupation, husband's name, husband's occupation, what their last five purchases were and what products they love.

I remember all my:
Good customers - not necessarily the ones who dropped big $$ (although that helps!) but those that I had a good rapport with and who were a pleasure to talk to.
Technical customers - people with complicated skincare routines mostly, I'm fairly good about keeping a huge mental checklist of what they have and haven't responded well to. The same goes for colour.
Total bitches - yeah, we remember your face. We also tell everyone else about you, so word gets around. The same goes for sample trolls or people who get samples and then buy off ebay. You're not fooling anyone.

If you want to build a rapport with someone, just be friendly and open and try to time it so that you can snag our complete attention without being too pushy or 'grabby'. All we do is mirror you, so the more receptive you are, the more receptive we are. Just don't be a creepy stalker.


Well-known member
I remember my friendly customers and always bend over backwards for them. I also remember the jerks who treat me like shit, and I do not help them at all. They can be a jerk to one of my other co-workers, some of whom will give them the nasty attitude right back.

And I remember who the sample trolls/serial returners are.....I got permission to not sell to one girl in particular anymore. She returns EVERYTHING she buys after using it once.


Well-known member
I wish I could remember customers. I'm in a downtown location so we have no regulars which is a lil sad. But the plus is that we get to meet new people everyday.