Recommendation for eye cream for wrinkles


Well-known member

Any recommendations for a eye cream for wrinkles, dryness, and loss of elasticity. There are so many out there that I can't choose. I need something with no perfumy smell if possible. So far, I've tried strivectin for eyes, oil of olay regenerist, aveeno, and boscia. All with no results. Anyone use something they absolute love? If so, what about it do you love?
Thanks for any insight.


Well-known member
The cream I absolutely adore is Chanel's Rectifiance Intense for Eyes.

I don't notice any lingering smell to it, but do try and get a tester for it, it is the only eye treatment that I see results in one week worth of use and have repurchased it twice. It has illuminating properties (no glitter) and seems to me that is making my under eye area less tired, my concealer doesn't in my fine lines either (for reference, I uso the Intense Duo Concealer from Estee Lauder's Re-Nutriv).


Well-known member
Eye cream won't prevent wrinkles. Like any cream, it will temporarily make the area look better. Also, if you use too much you will wind up with temporary puffiness under the eye. Some companies sell the same version of their skin cream as eye creme minus the fragrance or with added mica. You really don't need a seperate creme for eyes and face. Scientific facts aside, beauty is about if it makes you feel it.
What will prevent wrinkles are good genetics (can't change) don't squint if you need glasses wear them, sunglasses, mineral based sunblock, no smoking......I f you need a fabulous pure moisturizer try lanolin, a dop is all it takes-its the closest thing to skin oil on the planet. It is also safe.


Well-known member
I was born with this name, although at some places of employment (like when I lived on the mainland temporarily) they couldn't pronounce it. It's Hawaiian for sweetheart. Some people just call me by my lastname Li.


Active member
There are numerous ways you can attempt to get rid of dark under eye circles. However, to effectively remove lines and wrinkles, darkish circles and bags from close to your eyes, you should utilize the very best components and the most advanced technology in skin care products.I would recommend the eyelastin eye cream because it is clinically proven and completely organic product to work and contains many unique features.