Recommendations for a newbie?


Well-known member
So today after fighting along with my *ahem* cheap brushes, I realized I really just need better ones for application.... being new and naive, I have no idea which ones I should go get first. So I was wondering, what would you guys suggest as the best starter brushes from MAC? the ones that are absolutely needed in everyone's kit (and their numbers so I know which ones to buy ;p)

Your help would be amazing!


Well-known member
Hm, the brushes you will need sort of depend on what you like to wear.

For eyes, I would definitely start with the 239, as it is pretty versatile. Next I would say the 129 for blush and powder, again because it can do a little of everything. I love my 182, though it is expensive, I use it everyday, so that would be my next recommendation. Also, I can't live without a brow/lash comb, but I wouldn't spend good money on it. A cheapy one from the drugstore does fine.

What type of foundation do you use?


Well-known member
Hey! I use mostly liquid foundation (and mix in moisturizer when i don't want full coverage).
I do have a question about kabuki brushes. I keep on reading about them and want to know, are they absolutely necessary to have?


Well-known member
For liquid foundation application I really like the 109. A lot of people like the 187, which I don't have so I can't vouch for it, but if you're looking to save money the 109 is cheaper.

Kabuki brushes are good to have for buffing powder products and for blending if you're going to be contouring or using say blush and bronzer or blush and a highlighter at the same time, but I guess you could argue that you can blend with a regular powder brush, it would just be a little bit trickier and would take a little more time.

I personally love my kabuki, but it is a pretty big investment so if you're not sold on it I would wait. As long as you have SOME sort of powder brush you should be AOK.


Well-known member
Honeslty, i think the 187 is a littttttle overrated. Don't get me wrong, its a good brush, but i have to work with it so much to make the foundation look nice my arm feels like it is going to fall off. (ok a little extreme but you get the point lol). I prefer the 187 for applying powder products personally. But, i do use it with MAC's Face and Body and do like it, i just feel like its more work than necessary when I can just use a sponge to apply it faster and get the same finish. The 109 is a good brush. Its much denser, than the 187, and i think you work with the product and buffing much less with 109. The 109 is very versatile for me. I use to apply liquid foundation, bronzer, contouring powders, etc. Great little brush.


Well-known member
The 239 for the eyes, it does almost everything! And then a blending brush. I first got the 222 but if you want a bigger one, try the 224. Now for the face, I like the 168 which is good both for blush and contouring. And for powder I got the 150, it's great for powder, bronzer, some may find it a little big though. 239, 222, 168 and 150 were my first brushes from MAC!
I don't find the 187 important for a starter kit, generally I don't like it very much.And the 109 that was mentioned can have several uses, it is a great brush, I ended using it for highlighting only, but it can be used for liquid foundation, contouring, bronzer...