Recommendations for eyeshadows for an NC15/NW15


Well-known member
Hey lovely Specktrettes! I am looking for some recommendations for MAC shadows (neutral or colors) to add to my newly acquired palette. I have fair skin, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. Any help would be much appreciated!


Well-known member
woodwinked, cork, shroom and dazzlelight are my faves.

also amber lights is a very pretty goldy colour that looks great with some black liner!


Well-known member
I love Omega, Shroom, All That Glitters and Crystal Avalanche... and great dark brown is Espresso or Handwritten.


Well-known member
Oh goodness were to start... woodwinked, wedge, shroom, jest, carbon, soft brown and espresso for neutrals, for colors try sushi flower, silver ring, humid, beautiful iris, stars and rockets, tilt, juxt, and nocturnelle. I am an NC15 and I love these colors!