Recs for a gold e/s please!


Well-known member
Ok, so I sooooooooo easily get stuck in the rut of wearing purples, blues, greens, get the idea. I'm trying to expand my collection and get some warmer colors. I'd love a gold eyeshadow on the darker side but not too brown. Like an older, vintage looking gold...not bright yellow. Maybe even going towards a bronze? Lol, I'm sounding so picky. Anyway, I'm an NW20, hazel eyes, black hair. I prefer MAC (no Lustres please, I hate them) but I'll take recs from any brand. Thanks in advance!!


Active member
Have you looked at Woodwinked? Its a veluxe pearl finish and is described as a warm antiqued gold. Its not bright or garish like some golds can be. The color seems to have a lot of brown undertones.