Recs for bronzers


Well-known member
well, im looking for a bronzer i can also use as a blush. or is that a no-no? im a newbie when it comes to this. to help, i use mac studio fix foundation in NW43. i liked mac's "sweet as cocoa" blush when the MA tried it on me but im also looking for a bronzer. help and suggestions?


Well-known member
hi! I am not going to be alot of help here, because I have not used MAC's bronzers (yet!) but I wear mine like blush all the time, and I'm sure we're not alone!
I wear NARS Laguna most of the time, (btw I'm NW15) and when I am tan then I switch to Casino. If you're not 100% set on MAC, I definitley recommend Casino for you, it's really gorgeous!


Well-known member
mac refined golden bronzer, or gold deposit MSF are two of my favorites. also, as was mentioned, NARS laguna bronzer was superb, and i would choose it over MAC any day. i'm an nc42, for reference..