recs for foundation brush


Well-known member
Ok, I have blown all my money on makeup and now I find myself needing a foundation brush. Is it worth the $ to get the Mac one, or has anyone found an equally decent brush for less money? TIA


Well-known member
I love the MAC 190. I just got it like 2 weeks ago and I dont really know what I did before it...
Ive seen a lot of people say you can go with others for other brushes but to get a good foundation one. I think Mac's is great..IMHO


Well-known member
I really love the 190, too bad I switched from liquid to powder foundation, so I'm not using it right now. But I still keep it anyway


Well-known member
I use The Body Shop's foundation brush and it works pretty well! However, If you want to spend that extra money on MAC IMHO I think it would be worth it!


Well-known member
I was using Body and Soul's foundation brush and find it nothing compared to Mac's. It's a good investment since it should last you a long time if you take care of it.


Well-known member
i went to an artist supply store (paintings etc...)
you choose the flatest, yet softest bristles, and its the same as the mac ones, I love mine, and its way cheaper! theres alot of brushes you can get from stores like that, just make sure the hairs are gentle.


Well-known member
I spent some of my b-day money on the 190 and must say I am really liking it. I still need to master technique, but so far I have been putting foundation on the back of my hand and dipping the brush in. It seems to work pretty well. Thanks for the recs.


Well-known member
I have prescriptives and MAC; MAC is better but Px does the job. Some cheap brushes can also be found online at and