Red Lip Tips from StudioTalk Event- helpful for CoC lips!


Well-known member
With Cult of Cherry ushering in a red/dark lipstick trend for fall, I thought I would share my notes for creating red lips from the Studio Talk I attended!

1. Use Brick lipliner. Start in the center of the top lip. Keep your head tilted down while looking in a mirror to apply. Do a small bit of lining at once--don't line the lips all in one fell swoop. Fill in lips with Brick liner, and blend out with a lipbrush.

2. Use Beet lipliner (or any color that is darker than your liner in step 1) along the cupid's bow and along the edges of your true lipline. Blend into the Brick liner with a lipbrush. This step adds sexiness and dimension.

3. Apply the red lipstick of your choice with a lipbrush. Use as little product as possible. VGI was used in the demo.

4. You can either add shine with clear/tinted lipglass, or press blot powder into the lips for a true matte look.

5. Use concealer around the lipline to create a sharp edge.

***Go opposite your undertone to find your perfect red lipstick!

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