red spots?


Well-known member
so i did my six week retin-a treatment and my skin is really smooth now. one of my coworkers commented on that the other day, i felt all happy. but i still have red spots. they're not raised, not even a little (like how cystic acne would be) and i don't know how come...are these scars, or what? i was prescribed retin-a by my regular doctor, do i need to go back to her and see a dermatologist this time?

i just want to not have to wear foundation, dammit! is that so much to ask?!


Well-known member
I have that too and I've been wondering the same thing! Sorry I'm no help, but all I've heard is a lightening gel.


Well-known member
Kimmy, are you using any kind of microdermabrasion at all? There are a few good at home microdermabrasion products that will eventually help to fade scars. Be sure to get one with round beads, do NOT use a sugar or salt scrub on tender facial skin since irregular shapes can cause tearing. Alumina silicate beads are best (basically conrundum crystals, sapphires and rubies are made up of this mineral). Feel free to PM me for a couple of different brands I use. I started using a scrub a year ago several times a week and my skin texture has improved a great deal.


Well-known member
I believe what you are referring to is post inflammatory hyperpigmentation otherwise known as the flat red/brown spot left after an acne lesion has healed. By using retin-a, you rapidly exfoliated your skin. Now you should be under a regimen to manage your acne which will also help fade the hyperpigmentation.

In order to speed the process I would look for a good exfoliating product with (BHA) beta hydroxy acid or (AHA) alpha hydroxy acid. I like Paula's Choice BHA and AHA lotions.

Be careful not to over exfoliate your skin since you have been using retin-A. Also, please use sunscreen! Your skin is sensitive right now and not using proper sun protection could cause more damage (including more hyperpigmentation) in the future.