Refilling Lipstick


Well-known member
Weird question, but... Is there a way to refill MAC lipstick? I love special packaging lipsticks, and was hoping there is a way to continue to use them, once they're finished.



Well-known member
Not that i know of, even if there was i'm sure that getting it to set properly would somehow alter the formulation of a lipstick. Why not just keep the special packaging products on a display of some sort once you've finished with them if you really love them? I like to keep bits and pieces even though ive finished them but i can't bring myself to either throw them out or B2M them. Just a thought!


Well-known member
If you twist them just right, the part of the lipstick that twists up will come out (thw whole metal part) & you can put something else in the case.


Well-known member
I agree with Misstarlight- I have a couple l/s's that have come loose all by themselves, and they work exactly the same when you push the lipstick/plastic part back in. you might need to help it along!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
If you twist them just right, the part of the lipstick that twists up will come out (thw whole metal part) & you can put something else in the case.

YAY!!! I was hoping that would be possible! You made my day!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jacq-i
Weird question, but... Is there a way to refill MAC lipstick? I love special packaging lipsticks, and was hoping there is a way to continue to use them, once they're finished.


I thought about doing the same thing. Do you think it will work if if the l/s is refrigerated?