rejected from MAC... again


Well-known member
I applied to MAC last week, and I wrote them that I started my cosmeotologist-education this week. I was really excited for applying, esp[ecially since I applied before, and I had no eduaction (besides specktra
) whatsoever, no portfolio, so they where kind to let me come by for an interview
Offcourse they denied me, and they told me to do an education (cosmeotologist), because they really liked my enthousiasm. so I did a workshop, and after saving for a year now, I started with an actual course last monday.

I got an email back within 3 days that they aren't interested for now, but I should send an open letter after my education.

now I'm wondering if they will hire me next time, I feel so insecure!! blah, stupid


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about that. but dont let that get u down.. b.c working for MAC might be a goal of yours... There are other cosmetic companies out there u can apply to. A rejection from MAC doesnt make you a less of an Artist. dont feel insecure!!!!!


Well-known member
aww poor baby ((hug)) I'm so sorry! don't stress out about it. you're putting the work in and getting better so you're definitely not a failure!


Well-known member
0O00O girl.. i feel ya on the "insecurity" thing. i was rejected once. lol.. but hey, they dont know what they're missing out on!


Well-known member
I'm really sorry, don't be so hard on yourself. I think it's great that you are pursuing your cosmetology education and maybe that will make all the difference in your getting the positiong you desire. Don't give up and good luck!!!

little teaser

Well-known member
your cometology license/education will take you farther than mac or any retail job can as far as im concern and the $$$ will be way better because you can do it all so dont be to hard on yourself and if mac is where you want to be dont give up.. i just got my cosmetology license and im excited!! and you will be too just hang in there.


Well-known member
Oh Sanne =(

Really, don't be so hard on yourself... you are a fabulous makeup artist... you don't need a position at MAC to tell you so. Maybe apply elsewhere for experience in the mean time so you can get on your resume. Don't give up, which I know you wont. Good luck in cosmetology school... can't wait to see the new even more fabuluos FOTDs.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
your cometology license/education will take you farther than mac or any retail job can as far as im concern and the $$$ will be way better because you can do it all so dont be to hard on yourself and if mac is where you want to be dont give up.. i just got my cosmetology license and im excited!! and you will be too just hang in there.

This is exactly what I was gonna say! If you really want to work at MAC don't give up-but you will find that a cosmetology license will open many doors for you...more than just working at a counter. Hang in there and work it!


Well-known member
aww I'm sorry! Just keep trying! It seems like they really just want someone with more background and the only way to get that is with time and effort!


Well-known member
If this is something you want to do then don't give up! Seriously. I got rejected after my first freelance interview but I'm still trying again. And I'll keep trying until I get it. I'm only interested in having it as a great job while I'm in school. Obviously you want to make it more of a career which is even more reason for you not to give up. The manager at one of our counters was first rejected 5 times before she finally got hired! The first 3 group interviews she went to she couldn't get hired. Then the 4th she got to the demo and was rejected again. It wasn't until the 5th time that they hired her.


Well-known member
I feel you... but like everyone has been saying: dont give up and DONT let it affect your confidence in your skills!!! Keep doing what youre doing and youll get what you want..

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