Reporting unsanitary MA's and hairdressers. How?


Well-known member
Not sure if this is the appropriate forum. I had a pretty horrible experience at a gross makeover studio this weekend and need some advice.

To cut a long story short, the place I went to doesn't use diposable makeup applicators for items such as mascara and the MA's didn't sanitize anything between clients aside from wiping the odd brush with a tissue. The hairbrushes had other people shed hair in them, and it's possible it had been there for more than a day as I was first in!

I want to report them because it was gross and some poor soul could end up with any manner of infections from the dirty tools they were using. Is there a Government agency that deals with this sort of stuff in the UK? I've done a bit of Googling but haven't found anyone I could report this to. I was thinking along the lines of the Health and Safety Executive but they seem to deal more with employee safety rather than that of the consumer.


Beauty Mark

Well-known member
In the US at least, hair stylists have to be licensed. Is there some kind of licensing board for that?


Well-known member
UK health and saftey, it should be ruled by your local council.
Call 118 118 and ask for "your council" health and standards.
You will then have to file a report and they go and investigate it, I would definitly report them.

Which make up studio was it if you dont mind me asking?


Well-known member
I wish I had known there was a way to report them. I did work experience at a hair dressers who didn't wash a single towel for an entire week. I just got told to put them in the dryer and when I asked about washing them they didn't say a thing 0_o Plus the combs/ brushes were all padded with hair. It was so disgusting. By time I left it was probably one of the cleanest in the UK haha.


Well-known member
euuuuuuuw @ not washing towells...thats DISGUSTING!!!

and the brushes! what if there was a rogue flea!!!