Ricky Martin flips off president..


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SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -- Ricky Martin, who was a headliner at the 2001 inauguration ball for President George W. Bush, has a message for the American commander in chief about war.

At a recent concert, the 35-year-old singer stuck up his middle finger when he sang the president's name in his song "Asignatura Pendiente," which includes the words, "a photo with Bush." The gesture last Friday prompted cheers from thousands of fans in the San Juan stadium.

On Thursday, the Puerto Rican heartthrob repeated his criticism of the Iraq war and explained his changed position on Bush.

"My convictions of peace and life go beyond any government and political agenda and as long as I have a voice onstage and offstage, I will always condemn war and those who promulgate it," Martin said about his action in an e-mail statement sent to The Associated Press via a spokesman.

Martin, like other artists, has been highly critical of the war in Iraq.

Best known to international audiences for his smash hit "Livin' la Vida Loca," Martin is a huge star in Puerto Rico, where symbols of national identity -- such as the Puerto Rican flag and anthem -- are widely adored, and residents have complicated feelings about Washington.

The United States seized Puerto Rico in 1898 at the end of the Spanish-American War.

Puerto Rico's 4 million people are U.S. citizens and can be drafted into the military but cannot vote for president and have no voting representation in Congress. They also do not pay federal taxes.


Well-known member
I think he's just mad that he doesn't have as big of a fan base as he used to in the U.S.


Well-known member
Yeah but they never really lost their popularity in the U.S.

They just lost a bigger fan base.

Ricky Martin really only had a handful of hits in the U.S. where as the dixie chicks at least had 3 or 4 hit albums under their belts.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
I think he's just mad that he doesn't have as big of a fan base as he used to in the U.S.

while that might be true.... I dont think it has anything to do with what he did


Well-known member
It was really a tongue in cheek remark-

but since he did perform at the inauguration ball for the Pres. while he was still in his prime in the U.S. where he had a very wide fan base at the time- one can assume he thought he had America in the palm of his hand. However, America can only take so much of any singer he lost his American fans. Today he isn't nearly as popular as he once was at the time of the inauguration ball. So it isn't too far fetched to assume that Martin flicked off the President NOT because he is upset with the war but he feels the President is personally responsible for making him lose his fan base.

That's just me. He can site all sorts of reasons-but after he performed at the ball his popularity (which was already beginning to slope) really just fell.

It does make you wonder why he really was flicking off the President and I still say that I don't believe he was doing it because he was hopping on the anti war bandwagon.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That would be so idiotic of him to think that he lost his fanbase because of Bush.

Being a pop star and staying fresh and interesting is difficult. The public is fickle, and your competition could appeal to them any day. That's why there are so many one-hit wonders. He's lucky that he had the hits he had and he's still able to make a good living performing. Most singers/performers cannot say that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by d_flawless
freedom of speech...it got the dixie chicks 5 grammys

That, and they have talent.

I was a fan of theirs. I don't deny them freedom of speech at all, I do ask that when they make their point they consider the venue. Though, I have to admit, Natalie Maines never would have said, in AAC in Dallas, Texas, the same thing she said while out of the country. That speaks loads for her character. *shrug*


Well-known member
I agree. I think the backlash would have not been nearly as bad if she had said it in TX or anywhere in the states. :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
That, and they have talent.

I was a fan of theirs. I don't deny them freedom of speech at all, I do ask that when they make their point they consider the venue. Though, I have to admit, Natalie Maines never would have said, in AAC in Dallas, Texas, the same thing she said while out of the country. That speaks loads for her character. *shrug*

I remember when that whole Dixie Chicks thing happened and so many people were saying how they were just exercising their right to free speech...bla blaa. Sure they were, but as stated above, 1) they were cowardly about it and 2) they may have freedom of speech, but that doesn't guarantee that everyone will like what you say.

I remember watching them on some Diane Sawyer special after that happened. Natalie Maines was apologizing like she had a gun to her head. You could tell that she wasn't there apologizing because she meant it, it was because they saw their sales slipping. Again, loads of charecter, eh?

As far as Ricky Martin, I understand he is from PR and politically that puts him in a gray area and that may add to his feelings of frustration. As stated below:

Originally Posted by xmrsvindieselx
...Puerto Rico's 4 million people are U.S. citizens and can be drafted into the military but cannot vote for president and have no voting representation in Congress. They also do not pay federal taxes.

BUT, that been said, when the famous use part of their cushy lives to rail against "the man" I could care less what comes out of their mouthes. Their words hold no weight in my decisions.

Any jackass can flip someone off. If you really care, get involved in politics. Join the army. Actually have a leg to f*cking stand on before you open your mouth or unfurl your pampered finger.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I have to admit, if I were famous, I would probably try to involve myself in some things that are near and dear to me, BUT I would make sure I knew what I was talking about and do it in a much more mature fashion.


Well-known member
YES ricky is still around. maybe he isn't singing, but hes been doimg A LOT of charity work. with the tsunami( yes it was a while ago but he helped out A LOT ) and funding hospitals being made in puerto rico.. while is a hell of a lot more than what most celebs spend their money on.. so he may not be as popular as he used to..but the man is 35 years old. and can still shake his bonn bonnn like no otherrr

haha seriously though. I dont think it had to do with him believing bush ruined his career. I believe Ricky said he doesn't agree with decisions bush is making.
and believe it or not, ricky still has LOTS of fans and has had like 2 new cds in the past 2 years or so ( i may be wrong about the time period but its something like that..) so I dont think he has to worry about not having fans.


Well-known member
haha I think it's kinda funny. It's really not that serious ... haven't you guys ever jus wanted to flip someone off?! lol I have no idea why that little finger can release some kind of anger sometimes. But hey it's only a finger.

I personally really like Ricky Martin. I don't care about his music but I do know he is VERY popular in other parts of the world. I really like the guy because like xmrsvindieselx said he does do a lot of charity work. Not to long ago he was in the Middle East doing humanitarian work in Palestine.

So yes he doesn't have a huge fan base in the US but I like the fact that he uses his international fan base to bring awareness to different causes. And I'm glad he brought it to people's attention that sometimes jackasses like Bush just need the finger lol.


Well-known member
You can disagree with someone's actions or politics, but flipping them off at a concert does nothing. It's just childish and pointless. It doesn't solve the problem, it just works people up.


Well-known member
You can disagree with someone's actions or politics, but flipping them off at a concert does nothing. It's just childish and pointless. It doesn't solve the problem, it just works people up.

Exactly. It's one of those things that make other people thing that you can't be that smart-#1 if that's the best you can do, #2 exactly-how old is this guy? Is he 12? 8?

Seriously I tell people this all the time its fine to disagree with people but at some point you have to realize if you go about it acting like a freaking child then you are really working against the point you are trying to get across and just showing ignorance, rudeness, etc and people you are trying to convince to your side - you are making them wonder- why should we if you act like THIS?

One of my favorite Examples of this is Cindy Sheehan, & Michael Moore.

Why because they aren't doing anything except calling President Bush and the administration names, one defaces government buildings and dishonors a veterines memorial. The other tries to come up with conspiracys. Both share the common ground of doing nothing but calling the president names and it's usually a F***ing idiot.

And to me- personally that just doesn't make me want to listen to their point of view because they have no substance. That's all they are going to do. It's sad because you know they are free to believe what they do and I'm sure if they actually spoke without obscenities, in a logical thought out manner, then maybe yes the protests etc would be 1,000 times more effective. But they don't so they are really undermining their own cause.

And then with all these celebs doing it- they aren't doing anything ground breaking they are only "preaching to the choir." That's all they are doing. They won't change anyones mind NOR will they help other people see their point of view.

I mean I have to admit-when we have discussed some hot topics on this board-I was more inclined to listen to people who would seemed to have an idea as to what they were talking about and I got a different perspective on a few things.

But this thing with Ricky Martin, he was accomplishing absolutely nothing. *shrugs*

Sorry I get on my little tangents on my soap box. LOL
You all know that by now though


Well-known member
That's the point, it does nothing. Its no big deal. Who cares he flipped off Bush? No biggie to me. It doesn't make me think Ricky Martin is stupid or childish.


Well-known member
But then again, you agree with him in the political views. He's not trying to persude you to his point of view.

Now for someone who doesn't agree with him who he may have tried to be persuading etc (like say myself, for example) it doesn't come across that well.

It's no big deal to you and thats fine.

But to me it's not a huge deal but it does make me note that he's just trying to show off much like an 8 year old would.

Or for another example:
Say I wanted to try to get you to like Star Trek (my thing!) and you didn't like star trek. But I wanted you to like Star Trek. You say you don't like Star Trek, so I flick you off.

What's your next question going to be? it's probably like WTH?

Or maybe I just started saying stuff that you like was stupid or whatever you would probably say- OK, I just don't like Star Trek and I would appreciate it if you showed me the same respect. By now I'm looking pretty stupid.

OR to take it to a further extent (going back to cindy sheehan) because you didn't like Star Trek I went over to your house and totally defaced it. Why? because you don't like star trek. By this time you've probably figured out I'm crazy and you try to disassociate yourself with me.

You can see the absurdity of the situation and that's what is happening here. You say it doesn't mean anything when in fact-yes it does-not nearly on the severity of the level of all this but it does raise a lot of questions and make people really second guess the person.

And to make it more personal to you-

I have a feeling you would have a similar reaction I'm having (and I'm not saying it's a big deal because it really isn't-I'm just trying to explain my thinking)- with him doing this if Ricky Martin decided to flick off Mahmoud Abbas.

And I'm not saying your wrong when you say- hell sometimes I just want to flick someone off, well yeah thats true. Sometimes you do-but that's probably best NOT in a public arena where your just trying to look cool.

There are other ways to show your displeasure of something, anything than to act out like that. That's all I'm sayin