Rimmel's new lipsticks!


Well-known member
Walgreen's is having a nice 50% off on all Rimmel cosmetics this week so I was wondering if their new Moisture-renewel (correct name?) have that funky smell going on like their normal line of lipsticks?

I would love to try a couple of them, but that smell/taste is pretty unappealing IMO! TIA<3


Well-known member
hey there! I bought 4 of these lipsticks when they are having the 50% off. Instead of getting the normal pinks and nudes that I always wear, I opted out to try colors that I do not own. And honestly, these do have the sunscreen taste to it, not that i know what sunscreen taste like? but it really is there.

normally i cannot tolerate scents such as the maybelline's new lipsticks, but these were a bit better than the nasty play-doh smell that the maybelline has. Staying power is average, less than MACs. but I would not purchase for full price.