Rockeresque Beauty Co.


Well-known member
Has anyone else heard of this new indie line and tried it yet? I'm really quite pleased by what I've seen from them so far. They just have loose eyeshadow out right now, but they have plans for pressed shadows and a couple of other products. They just launched like mid-May so they're very new. I've found myself turning to them, because they're cheap! ($5-$6 per loose shadow) They say right on their site that they're not resellers, so I don't think this is another Lime Crime situation. They're also vegan, which I love! I've done some swatches and looks for them on my blog, if anyone wants to check them out. They're releasing new colors every week or two.

Here's their facebook page:

and here's their site:

My indie heart still belongs to Sugarpill, but I definitely think these guys have potential!


Well-known member
Sorry to double post, but I'm curious to know whether anyone else has tried them yet? They've grown to be my favorite indie line, since I originally posted this just because they keep releasing new things, and that makes me excited and happy. Hahaha. I was also able to meet the owner a few days ago, she's a peach.