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Rockin' Dark Lips


Well-known member
Many of us want to rock the dark lip trend for fall, but dark lips are really hard to do! Every little mistake really shows up; especially if you are super pale like me.
So here is my technique for achieving decent dark lips. I do not claim to have perfect lips; in fact they are very uneven and it shows up when I smile especially. This isn't a perfect demostration, but I hope that it will help you out whether you are going to rock dark lips every day, for Halloween, or just for playing around with your collection!

First things first, you have to pick what color you want. Here I have swatched two darker lippies that I own, Clinique A Different Grape (which used to seem super dark to me) and MAC Cyber (which is dark by just about anyone's standards). Once you pick your color, get a dark lipliner to go with it. Today I will be using MAC Cyber and Prestige Plum lipliner.

Start with clean, moisturized lips!

Next, line your lips with your liner and fill them in. Do this in whatever way feels most comfortable for you.
If you are like me and can't liner your lips well, go outside of the lines a little bit and use a q-tip with makeup remover to clean up the excess.

Next, apply your lippie! You may find that using a lip brush is easier and more precise.

Next, apply concealer around the edges of your lips. This does two things; it prevents the lipstick from feathering (not flattering when you are as pale as me with a lippie as dark as this); and it lightens the area around your lips to make the darkness stand out more. Be sure to blend it out with a small brush to help it look natural.

Next, apply the gloss of your choice. The gloss helps to make your lips look plumper and stand out more. I used the new Blackfire Glimmerglass here, but Pop Mode l/g looks really pretty on Cyber as well.

Now you are done! Yippee! Now you can rock the dark lip. I hope that this helped some of you out! If you have questions or suggestions on how I can improve the tutorial, leave me a comment. Now for your viewing pleasure, my emo/model shot!


Well-known member
hey! thanks for the tutorial dahlin'. I know it helps me teeheeheh any bit of advice is great. I mean I'll only be able to rock the look if I'm confident in my technique
Great Job!


Well-known member
Nice tutorial. That's good advice on how to wear dark colors, thanks! I think the best I can do is a glossy dark berry, but I guess we all have to start somewhere.