Rose/Golden Lemon/Cranberry


Active member
I saw Pei's FOTD with Rose and Cranberry and thought I would try them together (while procrastinating studying for my midterm lol)

I just did this really quickly (and my pictures kind of suck)...

Constructive criticism/comments really appreciated

(I didn't use mascara since I'm just playing around at home)


Well-known member
i think you did a beautiful job!

how did you apply the piggies -- wet or dry? the color looks so rich and well blended!


Active member
thanks everyone

Originally Posted by hunnybun
i think you did a beautiful job!

how did you apply the piggies -- wet or dry? the color looks so rich and well blended!

i used my fingers to do this whole look...i put rose all over the lid dry, then dampened my fingertip with a bit of contact solution and went over it a bit, then added a tiny bit more rose on top. golden lemon was applied dry to the inner part of the eye, and cranberry e/s to the outer part/crease (kinda)


Well-known member
I think this is spectacularly pretty!!! I LOVE Rose Pigment, and paired with the other colors and the Kohl, it looks fantastic; so sparkly and eye-catching. Nice work!


Well-known member
loooks great! i love rose pigment, but never used it on my eye. i use it on my cheeks or lips usually. i'll have to try this.