Sarah Palin


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Originally Posted by aleksis210
yeah because these are the people I'd love to help out. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. My cousin is a drug addict and he is going to "LOVE mooching off the welfare your increased taxes will be paying for when you vote for obama."(his words, not mine) Also, whether someone is pro or anti gun there will be guns, except YOU won't have them the SCUMBAGS will. Did the prohibition of alcohol keep it out of america in the 20's? I think not. And where do you think we are getting money for the healthcare....?! I have lived with too many scumbags over the period of my lifetime to want to pay for them to get healthy! I am dirt poor and would NEVER want someone's (unwilling)help in paying for my healthcare. Welfare was created in the 20s to help people get a JOB, it has now become a crutch and excuse for women to have more children. When is that going to end? let alone MORE help? Look past the sugarcoating, and also what 'in' or 'hip'... Hasn't anyone ever considered not voting at all? Just because we have a choice of two people doesn't mean we have to like either. And I agree the ripping on the republican party is so blatanly obvious is makes me want to puke. The media is obviously filled with very few republicans. Which imo, for America being a democracy(?) is very sad. And if anyone is wondering I am not republican nor democrat. One last thing, how about we all keep the name calling to a minimum, I would never say anything vile about either obama or mccain(or their VP's) they are both very respectable people who have been through a lot, it must be very difficult to be running for president(or vp) and I'm sure it's way beyond our heads(actually I know it is lol)

I completely agree with you, there are thousands of people out there under welfare and government help, most of them are very capable of getting jobs, but they dont, but we all know probably 70% of the people on welfare is cheating the system. Its our money that they are using, and they could care less. My aunty and uncle have been on welfare for 15 years, in 15 years they had 9 children. You've got to be kidding me.. they are very physically and mentally capable of working full time jobs, but they dont. And here many of us are busting our ass everyday...

And guns.. really its not the guns who kill people, its the people pulling the trigger. But since we cant really control people, we can only control guns, so its a very inelastic topic..

Since ill be in a different state during the voting period, i cant vote.. and my husband lives in hawaii but hes a new york resident, he cant vote either.. so.. i guess ill have sit this one out..


Well-known member
lol, i can say that i honestly dont know what a VP does, but im not running for VP. for the past 5 years i've been studying pills, and if someone asks me what do pharmacists do, and i cant even answer what the duties to my own future job is... I would feel ashamed..


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
Since ill be in a different state during the voting period, i cant vote.. and my husband lives in hawaii but hes a new york resident, he cant vote either.. so.. i guess ill have sit this one out..

Absentee ballots. My husband and I vote absentee every year. We are never in our home state. And many states have early voting.

Re: the environment and hypocrites - my favorite was the UN Climate Change conference in Bali. 15,000 people who have to fly to get there. Cuckoo.

I think Ed Begley, Jr should teach some of the loudmouths (hi Al!) about being really environmentally conscious. I dig that dude.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
lol, i can say that i honestly dont know what a VP does, but im not running for VP. for the past 5 years i've been studying pills, and if someone asks me what do pharmacists do, and i cant even answer what the duties to my own future job is... I would feel ashamed..

You're not the only one. I spent 3 years in law school only to graduate with no idea of what a lawyer really does. I'm 6 weeks into my job, and I still am basically clueless. But I'm learning fast, and that's what is really important.


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
I completely agree with you, there are thousands of people out there under welfare and government help, most of them are very capable of getting jobs, but they dont, but we all know probably 70% of the people on welfare is cheating the system. Its our money that they are using, and they could care less. My aunty and uncle have been on welfare for 15 years, in 15 years they had 9 children. You've got to be kidding me.. they are very physically and mentally capable of working full time jobs, but they dont. And here many of us are busting our ass everyday...

And guns.. really its not the guns who kill people, its the people pulling the trigger. But since we cant really control people, we can only control guns, so its a very inelastic topic..

Since ill be in a different state during the voting period, i cant vote.. and my husband lives in hawaii but hes a new york resident, he cant vote either.. so.. i guess ill have sit this one out..

I agree, It's kind of an 'indirect' saying that I probably won't be saying anymore and I'm glad that someone agrees with me on the welfare thing, I'm all for helping people out that actually need it, but like you said there are people that bust there ass and then there are people who literally sit in their basement all day and smoke weed, but then complain about how 'hard' life is and this includes 5 too many members of my own family...


Well-known member
Has anyone noticed she's started talking about a Palin/McCain admin?

I've seriously heard her use that in multiple speeches in the last couple of days, damn she's getting pretty feisty I didn't know she was running for Pres?


Well-known member
For one, in case anyone is interested, the Vice President is the head of the Senate. In cases of a tie (which DOES happen) the VP is the deciding vote.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Since when is Palin considered "entertainment"?

Hasn't anyone ever considered not voting at all? Just because we have a choice of two people doesn't mean we have to like either.

We have more than 2 choices. Once people realize that, maybe someone else will get a shot at politics. I think everyone should vote. How can you have right to complain when you've done nothing?

An absentee ballot is not that hard to get. I received one when I went to NZ. While I think voting reform is desperately needed (and I really hate the electoral college), you can't control everything and I can only hope that my vote does count.

I think my favorite smear in the media is how 3rd parties "steal" elections. IMO, if you can't run a good enough campaign/have a good background, that's your fault.


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Hmm this is my first year that i can vote i was 17 almost 18 during last election, never heard about the absentee ballot before.. I should look it up


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

The only thought more disturbing than Bush in office for another term is the idea of her in office! I shudder at the possibility....


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Originally Posted by aleksis210
What's the big deal? I don't believe in it either. :/ ...... btw look at the all the hypocrites in hollywood driving their 80 cars they own (which of course are all range-rovers and other cars that cause pollution) where do they get off trying to support someone they DO NOT even represent? Yeah they really give a rat's ass about global warming.Oh yeah, they definitely aren't voting for whomever they think is cool. It just reminds me of people who are religious but deal dope and kill people left and right. please, people.

haha like when al gore flew in his private jet to new york...and then his limo was surrounded by eighteen chevy suburbans...and then he drove a city block in one of those little green cars...and then was like "look at me saving the world from global warming! (even though i just left a carbon footprint the size of texas hehe!)"

Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
Hmm this is my first year that i can vote i was 17 almost 18 during last election, never heard about the absentee ballot before.. I should look it up

dude the absentee ballot is a godsend. that's how i cast ALL my votes. when i registerred to vote when i turned eighteen, i registerred permanent absentee. i love it.

ps. aleksis, after reading your posts right here...i <3 you.


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Originally Posted by aleksis210
What's the big deal? I don't believe in it either. :/ ...... btw look at the all the hypocrites in hollywood driving their 80 cars they own (which of course are all range-rovers and other cars that cause pollution) where do they get off trying to support someone they DO NOT even represent? Yeah they really give a rat's ass about global warming.Oh yeah, they definitely aren't voting for whomever they think is cool. It just reminds me of people who are religious but deal dope and kill people left and right. please, people.

I can't say I completely discount global warming, because I definitly believe the Earth goes through cycles. However, I do believe that perhaps there is a human element that is accelerating the cycles.

Otherwise, ITA!!


Well-known member
Re: Palin -she what?!

Originally Posted by aleksis210
..... they are both very respectable people who have been through a lot, it must be very difficult to be running for president(or vp) and I'm sure it's way beyond our heads (actually I know it is lol)

But what will all the armchair quarterbacks do if they can't shred on everyone? lol