Satellite Dreams /Au Contraire


Active member
I have a question?? Is Satellite Dreams similar to Au Contraire. And have anyone a Pic from Satellite Dreams.

Best regards


Well-known member
Au Contraire looks darker in pics than Satellite Dreams does...


that's Satellite Dreams swatched on my arm (w/ flash)


and that's Satellite Dreams in the pot (far left) (w/ flash)

the flash brightened up the swatch on my arm a bit, but it's not a huge difference in color. I would describe Satellite Dreams as a grapey purple.
definitely worth getting!

And I believe Au Contraire is still available for grabs off the MAC website. I'd purchase it before it gets discontinued. It's had that triangle of death next to it for quite some time now...


Active member
Many thanks Xiahe;-))) The Veluxe Pearls comes in the next Week to Germany and my Favorit Au Contraire is broken in my Bathroom. Satellite Dreams ist very nice, I want him.