Saw Iii


Well-known member
Saw 3 is the most disgusting movie I have ever seen, eww so much gore and so much nasty crap, I will never watch it again. Anyone else see it ???


Well-known member
I saw it last night, I had a death grip on my boyfriends arm the ENTIRE TIME. I was thouroughly grossed out.

yuck. and now there just has to be a fourth one...that ending...jeeeeeeeez.


Well-known member
man..i saw this the other night with my boyfriend, and i seriously think there's something wrong with me, it didn't gross me out like at all. maybe just because i was thinking "it's fake" the whole time

i thought the plot was really good though, especially the game Jigsaw played with Amanda...i so didn't see that coming.


Well-known member
theres a bit on the AOL news page about it

i hate scary films so what is actually so gross about it?

"An ambulance trust is warning people about a horror film which contains torture scenes so gruesome they have made cinema-goers pass out.

The East Anglian Ambulance Trust said it had received a number of emergency calls to treat people watching the new horror film Saw III.

Five required ambulance assistance and one had to be taken to hospital after fainting with fright following screenings in Stevenage, Peterborough and Cambridge on Friday.

Trust spokesman Matthew Ware said: "People need to be aware this film is not for the squeamish or faint-hearted.

"As well as collapses, we have had reports of people running screaming from the cinemas.

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"Every now and then a film comes along that some people find hard to stomach. Saw III appears to have sent film-goers over the edge.''

Mr Ware said the issue had a serious side and urged people to think carefully before going to see the film.

"We had to send three ambulances to Stevenage because we had three patients needing treatment at one cinema,'' he said.

"To take three ambulances out of the system on a Friday night could potentially cause problems.''

Mr Ware added: "We wouldn't want to discourage anyone from going to see this film. But if people want to see it they should be prepared and if they start to feel sick then they should leave.''

The film is the latest in the hit series following the murderous exploits of Jigsaw, played by Tobin Bell - a serial killer devoted to inventing grisly torture techniques."


Well-known member
I didn't know there was already a Saw III. That's probably because I'm from The Netherlands, sometimes we are a little late with movies and tv-series.


Well-known member
I saw Saturday and liked it better than the last one. Don't get me wrong I was squirming and grabbing on tothe hubby, but I like movies like that. And it was a lot better than I thought it would be.


Well-known member
the last one.. with the needle pit.. grossed me out
and i know the third one will gross me out. but its one of those things i HAVE to see. you know?
its kinda like a car accident
you HAVE to look

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