Scars, birthmarks, blemishes, etc! (PIC HEAVY!!)


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Originally Posted by crikey
Ratmist is a beauty...and a fabulous model. It was a blast making those pictures with her.

And scars are part of story. Love them or hate them, they have history stitched into them. I have masses: my right thigh and hip and arse are criss-crossed with slices, some fresh, some ancient. I wrote a piece about my own relationship with scars, with surgery, with history-on-flesh... years ago now, but it still holds true: A short history in a long [email protected]

Your scars totally kick mine to the gutter.


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Originally Posted by wolfsong
I love your 'bug scar'!
I like scars in general - they tell a story of what you have been through/conquered, and are a permanent memory of that moment.
I have a scar in the shape of an eye (which I like to draw a cartoon eye on when bored).
I have a birthmark in the shape of a galaxy on my face (the stars kind, not the chocolate bar). It’s pretty faint, but I like to draw it on with glitter or bright coloured makeup.
I have many scars that were hand made by myself (either as etchings or through former self harm). I have 3-4 chicken pox scars dotted around as I was a terrible scab picker as a child, and a fag burn scar on my arm from a dozy drunk. I like knowing where my faint scars are, and that only I know where they are and how they got there – its like carrying around a secret or a private joke with yourself.

Heh, I used to draw in my scars. When I'm bored, sometimes I still do. I have one on my right hand thumb that looks like a stork, one on my right hand forefinger knuckle that is a caterpillar, another that is a worm, and one on my left hand thumb that I think of as a sawbill duck - which I may have made up in my head as a kid. My favourite is the 'bug'. These scars are from when I was about 2 or 3 years old, so they've been with me as long as I can remember.

Originally Posted by wolfsong
I think that things such as scars – which some people dislike about their selves or in others as they are ‘faults’ – are actually what make a person. Most of the things I adore in others are deemed as imperfections, but it’s these imperfections that make you unique and interesting – there is no such thing as ‘perfect’ (and if there were, how boring would that be?) I love that people have ‘markings’ on their flesh that tell a tale, or that people can have enough freckles to play ‘join the dots’. I think its beautiful when you can know where every mark on a partner is, and how they got there.

Absolutely. I have all the scars in the relationship. I haven't found any on my husband like the kind I have, but he's a freckled, mole-dotted thing anyway, and that's fun. He's also got a lot of acne scarring on his face, which I really love. It's just texture, somehow.


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Originally Posted by ~Valerie~
I have a prominent mole on my face, on my cheek (the flat type though, not the type that sticks out and grows hair, hah). My mother calls it a beauty mark but whatever.

It's interesting that you bring up the psychology of it all. Growing up, I was homeschooled and I never experienced being around kids who would tease me about my facial mole, so naturally I just never thought anything about it or looked at it as "gross" or anything. It had always been there and was normal for me. Things remained that way until I got into my teenaged years and started meeting people and some would be kind of nasty about it, saying things like, "why don't you get that removed from your face? you'd be prettier without it." etc. It's amazing how my perception changed almost immediately and now I'm always self-conscious about it.

The birthmark on my face - my parents often ask me if I want to get it removed. I never notice it in the mirror because I'm so used to it being there. I don't want it removed unless it starts to travel onto my cheek. When I was younger it was further down my neck, but now it sits almost exactly on my jawline. So long as it doesn't go any further north, I'm okay.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chic 2k6
hmmm let see....

- On right side of my head is a 4 inch scar from my surgery to have a magnet put into my head. That also involved drilling through my skull

That's new to me - needing a magnet in your head? Care to tell the class why, lol? It's neat but if it's still there, can you put metal near your head and have it stick or pull?

Originally Posted by Chic 2k6
pretty much it really. i'm so scarred, my legs are unreal with scars :|

My legs are covered with scars from bike accidents to insect bites. I'm very allergic to most insect bites and in Texas there is no such thing as a friendly insect. I have hundreds of mosquito bites that turned into bright red discs about 3-4 inches in diameter; when they faded they left scars from where the skin was broken. I scar very easily and most of the insect bite marks have not faded, despite the fact that they are from my childhood.


Well-known member
I have a little dimpled scar on my forehead. It has the dumbest story to it ever.

I was in 2nd grade. In McDonald's happy to see my friend was there... ran on wet floor.. and BAM smashed my forehead into the ground. Was rushed to the ER. Got stitched up (I remember not crying at all) and got them removed a few days later.

It's very unnoticeable. But I love telling that story.

Originally Posted by ratmist
My legs are covered with scars from bike accidents to insect bites. I'm very allergic to most insect bites and in Texas there is no such thing as a friendly insect. I have hundreds of mosquito bites that turned into bright red discs about 3-4 inches in diameter; when they faded they left scars from where the skin was broken. I scar very easily and most of the insect bite marks have not faded, despite the fact that they are from my childhood.

I'm the same! Whenever I go to Taiwan I get eaten alive by mosquitoes. It's no fun. Out of everyone in my family, I'm the target. And when I do get bitten... they turn into the same 3-4 inch diameter discs... tiger mosquitoes are the bane to my existence. If I'm bitten on my forearm.. a few hours later... my whole arm will be swollen up.

Funny thing is, my skin doesn't scar easily, so there aren't any scars from those mosquito bites!


Well-known member
My newest and most obvious scars are on my stomach from surgery. I had gallbladder disease, liver disease and pancreatitis and had to have corrective surgery. There's several and they all look like horizontal stretch marks.

I had my right arm torn up by a pitbull when I was eleven. There's a big scar on my wrist that looks like a hole and teeth marks that go up my arm. I don't know how noticable they are to other people anymore, but I know they're there and I hate them. Also on my right hand is a V scar where a pot fell off a shelf, broke on my head and cut my hand.

On my left arm is a lot of scars from when I was younger and I'd cut myself. When I was pregnant with my daughter and hospitalized a lot, I had three nurses ask me what they were from. I thought that was horribly rude, but I guess that's what I get. Honestly, it's easy to tell why they're there.. they run along my veins. There's also a burn on my right arm from where I was stupid and let somebody burn me with a bic lighter on a dare. I was like.. 12.

Outside my left eye, there's a scar and visible stitch marks from where I ran into a volleyball pole when I was three.


Well-known member
my birthmark is somewhere on my back. i sometimes forget i have it, since i can't see it regularly.

i also have two scars from my "hernia" (is that how you spell it?) surgery when i was younger.

and now i have a scar on my face.. from a fight i got into some crazy night out on the town. it's probably about a inch and a half long.. it faded alot.. thank goodness.. but its still visible.


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I have a birthmark on my stomach near my bellybutton (facing it actually) that looks like a little rabbit. I hadn't thought about this until recently but my bf said a few weeks ago that it looks like he's trying to get into his bunny hole lol.
And a friend that I've known since 6th grade has a birthmark of a 'fat carrot' on her forearm so we think us being friends was meant to be lol. (Even though we don't talk much anymore now that we're so far apart...)
I also have a dark mole right in that crease where 'down there' meets the inner thigh so it's kind of unique. There's also a very similar one on my lower back. I like all of my marks so far. I think they're cute and add character (esp. my adorable little bunny) lol. I have freckles too, does that count?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ratmist
That's new to me - needing a magnet in your head? Care to tell the class why, lol? It's neat but if it's still there, can you put metal near your head and have it stick or pull?

I think Chic 2k6 mentioned once that she has a cochlear implant, and that's why she has a magnet in her head. Correct me if I'm wrong!


Well-known member
I have a scar through the middle of my left eyebrow, I got it when I was a kid, my sister was chasing me around a car, I turned around to see where she was at, turned back and slammed into the open car door. My eyebrow has never grown the same as the other
I've dealt with it

The other is basically all across my back from open heart surgery when I was 9 months old. It starts on my left side, goes all across my back, to my right side, and on my right side there is a "hole", it's not really a hole but a deep indentation. That scar I am really self concious about, if someone touches me there I always jump away for some reason. It's just in my head though...since I know nobody can see the hole while I'm dressed lol.


Well-known member
on my right lower front side of my leg i have a huge (i mean tall and wide) birthmark thats red.whenever i think about it.. i want to cry.. i cant wear a skirt/shorts or anything that shows my leg without someone saying.. whats that on your leg? i also have a scar and stitch marks on my wedding finger..whenever people see that they are like omg! it sucks.. but you gotta work with what you got.