scoliosis and pregnancy.


Well-known member
all i can say is owwwwwwww. my lower back is like twisting and there's no possible way to pop it. anybody know what to do? i need a massage therapists advice!!!!!


Well-known member
My BFF's cousin is a chiropractor and she's worked on her when she was pregnant. But defintely try the massage first!


Well-known member
be sure sure sure to find someone trained in prenatal massage though, as there are certain changes that have to be made in positioning etc.

And, if you're planning on an epidural or spinal block, be ADAMANT that you have a REAL ANESTHESIOLOGIST and NOT a CRNA do your anesthesia. I could tell you a horror story (ok, two) about this and how important it is, but I'll just say, trust me.