Sculpting Powder


Well-known member
I never got sculpt and shape but I'm interested in buying the sculpting powder. Can anyone reccommend a shade for an NC30-35


Definitely Shadester, if you're looking for just the sculpting powder. Actually, today I went over to my MAC Pro shop and bought Shadester and I am also NC30. I LOOOOOVE my sculpting powder. I think that is definitely my favorite MAC product ever. It's so versatile and it's so natural. It's amazing. Anyway, I suggest, if you're willing to shell out some more money, to get the Lightsweep Shaping Powder as well. If you're on a budget (like me), try a white, or pinkish-white eyeshadow (matte or slight shimmer would do) from Maybelline or some other drugstore brand or the Wet n Wild Highlighting powder. I think it's called MegaGlo Illuminating Powder for like $3.99 or something which is a very money-saving deal. Speaking of which, I need to buy the WnW highlighter since I didn't end up buying the Shaping Powder either. Thought I could save a bit more money that way and it works almost exactly the same! But yes, Shadester would be a perfect match for you in my opinion. If you are still unsure, I think that it would be best to ask the Makeup Assistant at the MAC store. I really hope I helped. Happy makeup hunting!


Well-known member
i asked my friend to bring me a sculpting powder since i live nowhere near a pro store. i won't be able to try this beforehand, so i'll need your help on which shade to get! i'm quite fair, nw 15-20, light blonde, blue eyes.
thanks in advance!


Well-known member
i went to MAC pro store once and the MA recommended the shade 'bone beige' for me.... but it has never been in stock...... gosh!! they only got it in pan,, not pot.... not sure if i'm going to spend another dollars to purchase the blush palette....

i really really want this product badly... everyone's been raving about shadester... is it a lighter or darker shade compared to bone beige??
haven't been using MAC foundie before so not sure what to describe my skin tone.. perhaps a medium... buff beige for some drugstore foundie...


Well-known member
If you are N30-N35, I would definitely recommend lightsweep/shadester.

To the woman above, I think that bone beige is lighter than lightsweep/shadester. In fact, emphasize/bone beige is the lightest that MAC has. If you are a medium skin tone, what kind of undertones do you have? Would you say you are a lighter medium or a darker medium more towards dark?


Well-known member
ouw well then.... i have no idea why the MA suggested that shade...

but i think i have more of a yellow undertones... and i'm more of a lighter medium.....


Well-known member
oooh. I've been craving buying a sculpt and shape off eBay. I'm nc20-25. What shades should I get if I buy them separately. I'd have to do pro mail order as I don't live near a pro store.

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