I have a sephora brush set. The quality isn't bad, but they are slightly lower quality than the single brushes. They also have shorter handles, so they tend to fall deep into my brush roll comparments. The sephora domed brush is my fave blush brush of alllll time! (i don't see it online, but i saw it in store for $10... d/c'ed??)
I say to go ahead and get one!
Oh, have u heard the rumor that Japonesque makes Sephora's brushes?? I wonder if it's true, cuz the Japonesque line is cheaper.
Well here's my "budget brushes" to HOPEFULLY help you decide!
Sephora brushes, ruler on side for reference:
Same brushes up close. The circled ones are ones I bought separate. The far right is that $10 domed one!
Beauty supply brushes:
Target and Kohls
Micheals Craft Store and Aaron Bros Paint Brushes
(no more than US$5.00 each! Foundation, concealer, eyeliner...)