Originally Posted by lemurian
Bondage and discipline is overwhelmingly consensual and pleasurable act among adults. Those who feel otherwise probably live in states that still enforce sodomy laws. I doubt that real sexual predators go to the trouble of outfitting their victims with leather chaps and chains No offense intended, I just think a little respect towards those with essentially harmless, albeit devient, sexual interests isn't too much to ask on a web board devoted to MAC -- a company that isn't exactly the most wholesome
Then the question is raised about MAC- during the past years when did they have a BDSM inspired makeup look?
And to make my position more clear- I am not saying that BDSM denotes violence (that's mac slut - not me), I just say this is in very very poor taste on Sephoras part and Sephora is not trying to make an artistic statement or anything. They are just doing something for the shock value hoping to get more money. I refuse to respect that.
And just so you know, lemurian, my opinion is NOT based on where I live-my opinion is based on my beliefs, my values and my view of what I consider art..
I do find it fairly offensive that you tried to make a joke about how some people feel otherwise from what a LOT of people on here feel it's because we come from states that are: I quote " probably living in states that still enforce sodomy laws".
So tell me- lemurian, since from your quote of probability that I live in a state that still enforces sodomy laws- why can I not think for myself, and come to my own conclusion of what I can and cannot have respect for? Or are you telling me (and I'm going strictly on the quote here) that I don't have my opinions because I follow what the local government thinks so I must have my local governments opinions? Or are you telling me that you don't like the fact that I have a different opinion then most of the girls on here so therefore you want to make a joke about where I come from and my background?
I'm genuinely curious on this one. I've already made it very evident that I respect others opinion on this- if they haven't lost respect for Sephora that's fine. I'm not going to try to change their mind- SO tell me- why do you think that its OK to make semi offensive jokes about others who don't agree with you?
Granted MAC Slut and I have very different reasons for not liking it- but our common ground is-we don't. I'm not trying to change her mind shes not trying to change mine. Is it because we are taking a stand and saying- I don't like it-I've lost a lot of respect for this company that you feel it necessary to take cheap shots?
Seriously-I would like to know, lemurian. I really would.