Sex and the city?


Well-known member anyone else as Sex and the City obsessed as me?
I know the series is over..but I've seen many of the re-runs..and I'm sure it will still be on air for several more years.
Does anyone else think that Berger was a total hottie?


Well-known member
Alright!!! Another obsessed person just like me!! Yes, I share your addiction. I watch reruns all the time! I just love it so much! I miss watching it on HBO though. They cut all a lot of parts on regular TV. I was, and still am, a total "Jerry" Jared fan...and, of course, cutie pie Ayden. I so wanted Carry to end up with him. I hope this thread continues for a while!


Well-known member
i LOVE sex and the city! chris noth and me have the same birthday and seriously, i tell people that all the time...i'm hella proud, haha


Well-known member
Berger is a cuttie but an A-HOLE. i cannot stand him. seriously..who the heck breaks up with someone on a post it?! I am working on my dvd collection of sex and the city but working my way backwards so all i have so far is season 6 part one and part 2.


Well-known member
lol, I always joke that my life parallels Carrie's so closely.. (minus the insanely freakin awesome wardrobe/shoe collection)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that show...and for some odd reason I think Chris Noth is extremly attractive (as is John Corbett, SO hot)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lackofcolor
Berger is a cuttie but an A-HOLE. i cannot stand him. seriously..who the heck breaks up with someone on a post it?! I am working on my dvd collection of sex and the city but working my way backwards so all i have so far is season 6 part one and part 2.

I haven't actually seen the rest of the Berger/Carrie saga..but they seem soo cute together!

I guess my other attachment to him is my boyfriends name is


Well-known member
You know that Berger reminded me of the guy from CSI Miami, Speedle?

Anyways....can I join your SATC-Lovers group?

I looove Samantha!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VuittonVictim
You know that Berger reminded me of the guy from CSI Miami, Speedle?

Anyways....can I join your SATC-Lovers group?

I looove Samantha!!! the the non-latino guy? I never watch that show really except for when my mom watches

Samantha is such a fox! lol I love how shes so Bold abour everything!


Well-known member
I am for sure an aiden fan and even though I know how everything ends I secretly hope she will end up with him.
And I am in loveeee with Jared(Smith) for any guy that puts up with sam more power too him and he is sooo cute how he sticks with her after she keeps trying to push him away over and over again! I love her sassyness(is that a word?!)
And Steve oh okay I can go on all day and I need to write a paper!
And I would do some very bad things for carries shoe collection!
I love when she calculated how much she spent on them and realized she could have bought her apt with that money!
"I will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes"


Well-known member
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!! i was on a kick last year, every couple weeks my fiance HAD TO buy me the next season on dvd till i owned them all!!....berger was weird amd that episode where he broke up with her on a post it was the most silently heartbreaking dramatic i have ever seen, loved it!. Know i get my fix with desperate housewives, and related, i liked hot properties too but it was cancelled!!


Well-known member
I love this show! I watch the reruns all the time. I've probably seen every episode at least 5 times, but it never gets old to me. I've recently even gotten my boyfriend to watch with me, and I know he secretly likes it.


Well-known member
Berger and Carrie had great playful banter but he couldn't handle her, so blah to him... Aiden was amazing, granola and all. Sorry, but I've NEVER liked Big. Ever. He's soooo self-centered and I never saw the chemistry between them. Ugh. I didn't want her to end up with the Russian, but I really didn't want her to end up with Big. At least he was likeable in the last episode (the one after she screamed, "I DON'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE"--seriously, how hot was that??)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan
Berger and Carrie had great playful banter but he couldn't handle her, so blah to him... Aiden was amazing, granola and all. Sorry, but I've NEVER liked Big. Ever. He's soooo self-centered and I never saw the chemistry between them. Ugh. I didn't want her to end up with the Russian, but I really didn't want her to end up with Big. At least he was likeable in the last episode (the one after she screamed, "I DON'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE"--seriously, how hot was that??)

I HATE BIG!!! lol
I'm excited though..just rented the WHOLE third season.. I hope its good.
I guess its kind of meant to be..I mean Big keeps coming back..I kind of figured she would be with him..but I REALLY liked Berger


Well-known member
You guys inspired me...I just took a LUSH bath (new Romance in the Stone ballistic, thank you!) and am snuggled up with an Aiden season disc (where she first meets him)!


Well-known member
I love Sex And The City. I know my everyone gets tired of me talking about it. Although now my mom watches it. I REALLY want the entire series DVD collection but that bad boy is like $300.

I used to get some great takeout, some wine and then curl up on the sofa and watch SATC every friday. It would be on for an hour or two. I loved doing that! Recently I got Netflix and decided to watch the show over from the beginning. It took a few months for me to do but I loved every minute.

I HATE Big. I know too many men like that. Arrogant, selfish, inconsiderate.....

Berger was a loser. He had too many issues, too many insecurites. He is my least favorite of her boyfriends.

Loved Aidan. SO sweet.

Smith was really a strong man, to be with Samantha he would have to be. I knew he was the real deal the night they went to the party at Richard Wright's hotel and when Sam left him to go be with Richard and he waited for her.....that's a hell of a man.

I LOVED Harry!!! He was so sweet and to stick by Charlotte and to be so sweet and patient with her. My heart melted. He just really loved her.

Does anyone listen to Michael Patrick King's commentary on the dvds? I love it! It's so insightful. I love the way he breaks down what's going on in the scenes and what was happening behind the scenes and in preparation for the scenes.


Well-known member
Perhaps I've just had too many romantic entanglements with fellow artists, but Berger totally pissed me off.

I used to hate the show, but have seen practically all the seasons on cable as reruns, it helps that they show 2 episodes in a go too!

Minus the gorgeousness and wardrobe and writing job (though I do crank out the words), I often feel like I identify with Carrie, although I only ever went spastic on my so-called Mr Big when I was sick (in depressive episode). I can't believe that such a smart, confident woman can be reduced to a complete maniac around Big, at least my excuse is that I'm genuinely mental!

Marriage is NOT my cup of tea but I wouldn't have hesitated if Aidan had've proposed! He was hot. Too bad he adored her (I say in sarcasm), otherwise they probably would've stayed together.

Yeah, Smith was ace. Probably one of the most mature guys anyone on that show ever dated.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs

Does anyone listen to Michael Patrick King's commentary on the dvds? I love it! It's so insightful. I love the way he breaks down what's going on in the scenes and what was happening behind the scenes and in preparation for the scenes.

I loveee listening to the commentary! It is insightful. And it took me a while to realize Steve's mother is jerry stiller's wife! (ben stillers mother) I loved her in this. When she was losing her memory it made me so sad.
I think they always got amazing actors in their show.
And I loved the one with Nathen Lane! Playing the "straight" show guy who got married.