Shanna VS Paris.. Round one


Well-known member
Hahaaaa I think it's great!! I heard that Travis was dating Paris, or sleeping with her anyway. Good for Shanna!


Well-known member
I have issues with Shanna Moakler, and I have issues with Paris Hilton. My issues with Paris are the same as others', she's a waste of Page 6 photo space. Lazy, slutty, spoiled, inconsiderate and oblivious to the fact that she doesn't run the world.
My issues with Shanna concern her parenting. I think instead of being at a club punching Paris Hilton she should have been at home with her three very young children. She's only helping Travis trash her and bash her parenting skills. I know that TV shows can be editted to create storylines, but like 50% of the time on the show, she was asleep while Travis was dealing with 3 kids by himself. That could be an image created by clever editting, but incidents like these only further let me know...


Well-known member
Both of the girls involved suck in my opinion. If only they could have beat each other a lil more I woulda been happy.

I think Shanna is a horrible parent and so freaking lazy. She'd rather sleep all day and let the nannys and maids take care of the kids. And wtf cheated on her husband? If anyone saw their MTV show you know how much of a good father and husband he really is. Especially considering her daughter with Oscar de la hoya (spelled it wrong prolly) his own. Paris. I think she is pretty much a waste of time for anyone. All she is, is a walking vagina with money (and probably an STD or two) falling outta it. She really needs to do something productive with her life other than shop, do drugs, drink and have sex.. and music ISNT a good option.


Well-known member
well obviously travis isnt innocent either hes the one that hangs out with the dumb blondes.

Seriously did he expect his ex wife to change over night just beacuse she had kids? that barely ever happenes.

And wtf is he doing with paris hilton? does this man never learn?

I could just see paris changing diapers ... ummm not really


Well-known member
This is great, can't believe I barley found this thread!!

When I first read about what happened I wasn't surprised. That's what Paris Hilton gets for slutting around hahaha. As for Shanna, I'm glad she hit the bitch, she got what she had coming to her. Trying to act like miss thing all the time, it's about time someone put her in her place! Shanna isn't so innocent herself though and I certainly don't agree that she's a mother of 3 and still partying like she had no kids. Some people just don't learn or grow up for that matter.

As for Travis...I'm sure the reason why he choose to mess around with Paris is because she's a "sure" thing