She Shines on


Active member
They aren't on the MAC site yet but they are on

I didn't try ordering - let us know how it goes


Active member
I really dont like the fact that some of the overseas mac sites as well as gloss have these up but I'm in the US and can't buy them.
Also the fact that they aren't supposed to be up for like 10 more days but they are slowly popping up has me concerned that I may fall asleep at my desk one day thinking they dont come out until the 13th (online) and wake up to them being sold out.

Cool Kitten

Well-known member
has anyone noticed that most permanent pigments on Gloss don't have the order button? The color swatches are there but you can't order them.


Active member
That's weird - I could swear they have order buttons last night. What is even stranger is that all but 2 of the ones that do have orders buttons are temporarily sold out. It would seem that they have softwash Grey though which has been sold out at MAC for ages ???


Well-known member
I could be wrong but I don't think Gloss usually carries pigments other than the LE they? In other words the Pigments page may be new for them??? Softwash Grey and Gold Dusk are ones they did carry with Sundressing, so I guess that explains their order boxes. Doesn't exactly explain the order boxes for Pink Opal and Pink Bronze though, lol. Oh well! I did buy Softwash Grey from them long after it was sold out on the MAC site.


Well-known member
Yep that must've been someones' boo-boo,.. Its gone now. If you search pigment on there you get a little icon in the MAC area but it links back to the main mac page now.


Well-known member
I think someone in MAC Corporate watches the mac fans sites like a hawk, and then immediately nails the sites and counters that release stuff early to the wall.


Yesterday arrived the she shines pigments to Spain, and in just one day the collection is over
I can´t get any pigment, but the girl in the counter give me samples of 5 of them from the testers