sheertone shimmer blushes


Well-known member
Do you think sheertone shimmer blushes are appropriate for woman 40ish. Is there too much shimmer. Mostly looking at the peachykeen color. Thanks.


Well-known member
I wouldn't really call it a shimmer...more a light sheen. Try it at the counter and see if you can pull it off! The lighting isn't going to get any worse than at a counter hehe. Sheertone shimmers are very buildable as well (esp with a 187 brush) so you can go easy with them if you like


Well-known member
i agree with kat. they're really bulidible (sp?) so you can make it as heavy or as light as you want it too. and its def. not glittery like you think it gives you a really nice glow. but the best way to find out is like kat said try it out over there.

p.s. i love peachykeen.


Well-known member
I wish Ultracheek was out in Australia...i have to wait until 10th of April! I'm halting my spending until least, that's the theory!


Well-known member
My Mom (late 50's) uses Springsheen all the time now (she stole mine, the rotter). Gives her a healthy glow.
I'd say as long as you use a light hand, they are good for any age.