Shop Your Stash for Fall 2009 looks


Well-known member
Greetings all, I haven't been around for quite a while do to a change in my financial circumstances. I had to stay away from the temptations of spending loads on MU. This fall season I've been really tempted by the collections from MAC, Nars, Urban Decay and Dior. Smokey eyes, purpley or plummy lips etc. I'm a sucker for a nice palette or cool packaging as well so the Dior Jazz Club palette and the Mystical palettes from MAC are making me go all
But, I cannot buy any NEW MU only keep up my staples so I've been having a real dilema as I've started to obsess over the new lippies and eyeshadows. However, when I really thought about it and looked at the products carefully I realised I probably have very similar colours and textures in my stash. Stuff I haven't touched in ages and could easily devise my own fall/holiday smokey eye kit and purple stain lips without having to buy one new thing. So, I went shopping in my stash and here is what I came up with. This is using mostly MAC since that is what I generally have the most of especially eyeshadow.

For an eye collection similar to the Smoke Out eye kit from UD in Sweet Lucy that could easily double up for Dior Jazz Club or the Quint smokey eye palette they have, this will also work for MAC. You just need to play with the colours a little bit, find what you have that is close enough to build your own.

Lid: MACShroom (for a matte look substitute MAC Bisque or near fav beigey colour)
Over lid and crease: MAC silver ring (any midtone shimmer grey or matte) or skip and go directly to...
Crease: MAC Knight Divine or Gentle Fume (any darker grey shimmer or matte)
Line: MAC Carbon or any matte black
Liner of choice
Highlight: MAC Phloof or MAC blanc Type for matte (any pearl/oyster shade unless you really like white)

Lipstick: lightly applied as stain Ruby & Millie purple 570p (I think this will do nicely as a substitute for the new Mattenes from MAC and both Dior and Nars fall lips)
Lipgloss: Smashbox Smashing Fire

MAC Bing w/Jampacked (for something darker)

For cheeks I'm keeping it sheer and simple

You don't have to use these colours this is just an example of what I found lingering in my stash that easily satisfies my cravings for the new stuff that is coming out and I didn't have to spend a DIME