should i or shouldn't i?


Hi all =)

I've loved MAC for years but I'm only just beginning to start collecting.
My dilemma is that there are so many LE collections coming out and I'm thinking - should I bother?

I've seen some things that I like in the LE collections that are out at the moment but I'm not sure if I should cash in for something thats not going to stick around or just build up from the permanent line. At the moment I'm leaning more toward sticking to the permanent stuff because I know it's always going to be there if I really love something and there's probably going to be a million more LE collections in the future.

Sounds like I've already decided, doesn't it?

Basically I'd just like a second opinion on weather I should bother with all the LE collections coming out or if I should just stick to the permanent line for now :/



Well-known member
i think you should just buy what you like...regardless of if its LE or perm. i dont personlly mind buying LE stuff because iv never used anything up fully except foundation products or mascara so it doesnt really matter that i wont be able to buy it again. its better to look at the LE stuff and think 'would i buy this and get alot of use out of it if it wasnt LE?' and if you would of bought it normally then go for it!


Well-known member
I've been pondering this myself! I've decided to only get an LE item if I REALLY must have it AND it is really long lasting (like an MSF for example), otherwise stick to the permanent line. I hate it, too, if I find something I really love and it's not going to be around anymore when it's finished! This is why many MAC lovers stock up on LE items but I just don't want to put that much money into makeup. PLUS I know I get bored with makeup easily, so I've decided to get an LE (or a permanent product for that matter) if it's a "classic" or "a staple" in addition to long lasting. I hope that helps!

I do regret not getting the Girl Friendly Paint Pot from the Fafi collection. *sigh*


Well-known member
I buy from both LE and the permanent line, but mostly from the permanent line.
If I see something I like that's LE, I usually get it.
I only use up staples (concealer, foundation, mascara, brow stuff), so I'm not concerned about the availability of something later on.
Chances are it'll go bad before I would use it up anyway!

Kiss and Makeup

Well-known member
I have no problem buying both LE and permanent, but it's all personal choice. I'm not an MA, I just buy for my personal collection. I've never used up an eyeshadow or blush or pigment, so I have no problem buying LE of those (especially pigments!). There's some things I know I'll need a backup of (like Cherry Blossom lipglass from CoC) but I don't like doing that, either. Some of the MAC stuff I've had since I started buying about 4 years ago, stuff like Sumptuous Olive and Love Nectar that were used on a daily basis and I haven't had to replace.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I mostly buy LE stuff because I know when it's gone or almost gone I'll have found something by then that's similar to replace it. Just buy the things you like and that you'll use and don't get caught up in the hype.


Well-known member
I purchase a lot more LE items than i do permanant. Mainly because i know i can always get something from the permanant line in the future. I wouldnt worry too much if its LE or not, as long as you like the color go for it! Makeup lasts for quite a long time, so even if its LE you will probably get a good year(s) out of it.


Well-known member
I buy perm and LE and when I find a LE item I simply just love I buy a back up, to date I've only bough two back ups and they are CoC l/g and Rapturous mattene. Like others I'd say buy things that you really like and don't buy LE just because it's LE, that's what I'm trying to do


Well-known member
I'm a packaging sucker, so I love LE's.
I think you should be smart in this. Think about it, if you need all of the LE stuffs, some, one or none.. Go to the MAC store to get your hands on the products, do some swatches and reviews.
Even if you decide not to and in the end you kinda regret it, you can always hit Specktra's Clearance Bin and CCOs.
The key is to ask yourself: Do you like it, do you love it, will you use it??


Well-known member
I'm going to be the contrarian here. Personally I have purchased both perm and LE products. However these days I am leaning more toward the perm items.

Reason being;
1) (imo) that it's easy to get wrapped up in LE hype. You end up purchasing stuff you don't necessarily need but you bought just because of its "exclusivity".

2) Also since perm products are always available you don't end up buying backup (personally I think this can be a waste of money because by the time you get around to using the backup, most of the time it's old or you end up swaping and selling it anyway).

3) I remember when my dog ate my blushcreme I didn't freakout as much since it was a perm item. I think I would have gotten really upset if it was LE and possibly ended up paying a premium to replace it.

4) Perm e/s and blushes come in pan form at the pro stores! They are totally awesome!!!

I don't totally restrict myself though. When I see an LE item that is truly unique I will buy it. I'm just not as into them now which is good for my wallet


Well-known member
The only LE things I buy are brushes...everything I buy perm. because of the reason^ginger stated! Although I really should have bought sweet sienna and lollipop lovin...luckily you can still find these two items floating around out there!


Well-known member
i buy from both le and the perm line. i pretty much buy whatever i can see myself wearing...even though alot of it, i'll never get to. i always go check out the new collections though, even if it's just to look! i'd hate to miss out on something really incredible...hell, my first mac red lip products (rockocco l/s and pure vanity l/g) were le and i'm a red lip addict now. glad i went to check that collection out.


I buy stuff I like and doesn't care if its LE or perm. It is easy to get stressed by all the hyping of collections and new swatches and so on, ppl buy backup of LE e/s and powder... I dunno, but I have never finished one single e/s.