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Simple Fluidline Tutorial


Well-known member
For this look:


Sorry, not the greatest or not that in depth but it's the best I could do. This is how I do it. Feel free to use other colors, methods, or brushes. You can take this and modify to what works for you.

I use a fine tipped brush (similar to the MAC 209) and I dip the side of my brush into my fluidline. Make sure not to grab TOO much product but just enough that it coats one side of the brush, or you will get it all over your lid and that won't be pretty.

I always start with a wash of ES from lid to brow. I line my inner corner first. I just but the side of the brush that has the fluidline on it, and lightly move from the inner to about 1/4" of my lid.


Now that you have somewhere to start, using the same method as mentioned above, draw a line following your natural eye shape. If you have the right amount of fluidline, your line will not turn out too large/small.


I stop at about a 1/4 inch away from the end of my eye. I then take my brush and dip it in a little more fluidline. I move upwards, and stop after drawing a line that is 1/4 inches long.


Then, you take what's remaining on your brush, and VERY lightly follow the natural curve of the line you just drew.


That's how it should look.


Well-known member
Wow...Thanks. I was "on the fence" about ordering this because I didn't think I'd be able to apply it, but you make it looks real easy!!!


I am still kinda scared to try a liquid liner. But, you made it look very easy. My next purchase is going to be the fluidline. Thanks


Well-known member
nice wing effect!!

just a suggestion for those who are shakey-handed like me... i just bought the smashbox arced liner brush #21 and i have to say it is the best brush ever! the tip is bent so that the brush part actually curves over your lashes & your don't have to bend your hand in funky contortionist ways to get the liner on straight &even. it works great with fluidline!


Well-known member
Thanks, you make this look so easy!!! Now I need to practice, practice, practice ...


Well-known member
very helpful! I was having some trouble applying my blacktrack, but this definitely helped