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Simplest Smokey on a Chocolate girl!


Well-known member
Hi ladies,

I'm kinda new to this video tutorial stuff but I'm sure if I practice enough I'll get the hang of it real soon. Anyway here's a very effective but simple smokey eye using the Urban Decay Delux palette. Let me know what you'll think.

YouTube - Simplest Smokey Eye


Well-known member
i love this look and your accent is quite gorgeous. can't wait to see more tuts from you!


Well-known member
Gorgeous informative and very clear. What do you record with as it is amazing quality. When will we see the looks with the Mehron like your blog?


Well-known member
You need practice? You're a pro darling and I'm looking forward to more of your tutorials!! So good to see a UK WOC....loving it!


Well-known member
Why thank you ladies! I'ma try to do more looks like the Mehron one soon. I just need to find the time! But I am happy to see that you like what I'm putting out there!

Thank you again!!!