Sketch and Intoxicate.


Well-known member
Does anyone have comparisons or even swatches of intoxicate by itself?
If I have Sketch, will I need Intoxicate? What's the difference?


Well-known member
I don't have intoxicate, but when an MA put it on me and I fell in love with it and tried to buy it and they didn't have it, she suggested Shadowy Lady, but it's WAY to dark, so then she suggested Sketch, so I guess they are similar enough.


Well-known member
I don't have a satch, but Sketch is more burgundy/black whereas Intoxicate is more deep plum/purple. I definitly see more of the purple tone to Intox. although it is very dark. Sketch on me comes out almost black looking with a hint of the color you see in the pan. I'm NW25 for reference.