Skin cancer treatment and no make-up


Well-known member
Long summers in the Australian sun have left my very fair skin quite damaged.

I have just started treatment for some small sunspots on my face, which is a good thing - however the cream (efudex) used to draw out and treat the cancers leaves the skin red-raw and quite blotchy which is not so good.

And now I come to my big problem I am not supposed to use make-up during the treatment which lasts several weeks.

The thought of not being able to cover up these horrible red welts is seriously freaking me out, probably far more than it should be. I didn't realise how much I rely on make up to cover up the things I don't like about my face.

Anyway, the point of my post is I was wondering firstly if anyone had any experience with this type of skin cancer treatment and secondly who else feels freked out at the thought of not being able to wear make-up to work and when you go out.



Well-known member
To be blunt, I'd say screw what you look like short-term!! (For those wondering, efudex causes blistering, patches of redness, sores) After treatment your skin should clear up within a month and you will get back your beautiful cancer free skin. No make up is worth going through many months to years of radiation, chemo, and surgery, that's what i would tell myself.

I know it will be a tough couple of weeks, and hopefully you can explain to your coworkers whats going on, and if your feeling a bit self conscious you can always keep on the down-low. Now is a perfect time to relax at home, rent some movies, take many relaxing bubble baths

I hope you feel better soon


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
To be blunt, I'd say screw what you look like short-term!! (For those wondering, efudex causes blistering, patches of redness, sores) After treatment your skin should clear up within a month and you will get back your beautiful cancer free skin. No make up is worth going through many months to years of radiation, chemo, and surgery, that's what i would tell myself.

I know it will be a tough couple of weeks, and hopefully you can explain to your coworkers whats going on, and if your feeling a bit self conscious you can always keep on the down-low. Now is a perfect time to relax at home, rent some movies, take many relaxing bubble baths

I hope you feel better soon

Hang in, hang on, and get well soon!!


Active member
I'd like to wish you all the very best with your treatment, and say that there's signs that Efudex can lead to dramatic improvements in skin colour, texture and the appearance of wrinkles for months and years afterwards. So fulfil the regieme completely, it'll make you look even better (once you're healed). Chin up, you'll be the envy of everyone afterwards!

Heres the article I read:
Erase wrinkles with skin cancer treatment | Efudex