Skin on face lighter than neck?


New member
Hi, so I have indian skin but I find that my face is always lighter than neck - does anybody else have this problem? Its kind of noticeable, and I dont want to look like i buy lighter foundation on purpose but every time I do buy a new shade within a few months (like a season or two. i think its because all my foundations have sunscreen in them) it becomes too light again. Is there anything that I can do? Ive thought about buying maybe a darker powder to apply on top of the foundation that is now too light, but am not too sure which ones would work well. Or maybe self tanner?

Any suggestions/tips would be great!


Well-known member
I am Indian as well and I too have the same problem. My face never tans. I am considered fair for a desi (NC30/35 - Fair to Medium) but my neck and arms are kind of tan. So i wear a bronzer on my face to make it look natural. I also wear a tinted moisturizer on my face as well to prime my skin.


Well-known member
I actually have the opposite problem, where my neck is lighter than face. I actually have to stick to powder and powder foundations more and more, because they lighten up my face more than liquid formulas do.

If you find it to be seriously bothersome, buy yourself a bronzer or a dark powder, and use that you even out your tone with the rest of your body. It will help you lots. :]


Well-known member
You could try using bronzer or a darker powder just along the perimeter of the face and along the edges of the face--that will help everything come together (make the color blend and transition better). Use the powder sparingly, though.



Well-known member
^ yeah my face is light than my neck...and when I try to play matchy matchy hands look so off when I put it close to my face..but I love bronzer...but can over do it sometimes..but I try to like go around the borders of my face w/ a bronzer so it can all blend together.


Well-known member
i have the same problem and instead of matching my foundation color to my face, i match it to my neck so it doesnt look like i got a shade that's too light for me, when really it's the real color of my face. or i get a shade in between the two shades of my face and neck and even it out with powder.