small breasts cause me depression


Well-known member
It's been years that I have problems with my small breasts.At school everyone was making fun of me,even my relatives and friends.Now at 22 still an AAcup my female friends still criticize me about my small breasts telling me that my body is not feminine(I have a similar body to Cameron Diaz') and they say that men don't like girls with small breasts and I know that they comment on my breasts when I am not there.All of my friends wear at least B-C cups and are in general fatter than me(hey have larger hips,thighs,belly etc) .I still have success to men and I feel more comfortable wearing a bikini in front of them.I know that curvaceous bodies are better but no one can decide his/her body type.Is this a reason to be called anorexic and non-feminine by my own friends?I feel awful,i I go home and cry,I even call off holidays with friends to avoid the comments about my breasts...My boyfriend is the only one that doesn't make me feel uncomfortable with my body,he really likes it(in general men like my body more than women even though they like curvaceous bodies more than thin ones).Women sometimes are mean to each other...


Well-known member
That's ridiculous, the way they say that!

I'm very similar to you, and I used to worry about it, but I've come to like myself the way I am. If people are just fixated on your body, they have a problem :\.

If your friends (or anyone, for that matter) tell you that again, just tell them to worry about their own lives...or say something witty to offend them. That'd be fun XD.



Well-known member
I think i'd reconsider my friends. there is absolutely nothing wrong with small breasts. I wish mine were smaller. Small ones never sag either,lol.
Lots of men like small breasts, most don't even care the size. try to be comfortable and love yourself the way you are and other people will too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
I think i'd reconsider my friends. there is absolutely nothing wrong with small breasts. I wish mine were smaller. Small ones never sag either,lol.
Lots of men like small breasts, most don't even care the size. try to be comfortable and love yourself the way you are and other people will too.

Exactly what I would have said!
and its true most guys dont even care about breast size. Dont let them tell you bigger breasts would make you more attractive, because thats a Lie, Everyone is attractive just the way they are, you just have to find what makes YOU feel attractive. F**k what anyone else says!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
I think i'd reconsider my friends. there is absolutely nothing wrong with small breasts. I wish mine were smaller. Small ones never sag either,lol.
Lots of men like small breasts, most don't even care the size. try to be comfortable and love yourself the way you are and other people will too.

i agree 100%. well said!


Well-known member
I am 34AA, and I am totally happy with my size, NO LIE! I run marathons and work out, and love the fact that I can wear one sports bra and a t-shirt and feel 110% comfortable. I have friends who wear 2-3 sports bras just to work out--no fun. So be thankful for what you have. I know people who have had REDUCTIONS just to wear a women's size L t-shirt, and not men's.
And as you walk the road of life you will realize that those people who talk down to you just might be jealous, and not 'friends' at all. You are not alone. Not everyone is a B-cup and larger. After all, why is it that every time I go to Victoria's Secret sales they hardly have size A or AA in the sale bins? When I check the retail racks, they always have a good selection of A and AAs... so there are other gals out there buying those sizes! I say, ignore those idiot 'friends' and go for a run*!! You will feel much better!

*Getting some new MAC also helps!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fairybelle

Getting some new MAC also helps!

Sweetie, take it from a gal who is no AA anything: boobs ain't all they're cracked up to be. And men like any old boobs! Big ones, small ones, perky ones, saggy ones... they'll take 'em!

I have size H boobs right now after I had my baby this past summer and it's HORRID. I would give anything to have "your problem" and be able to wear little dresses and cute tops. I know, it's not perfect to be AA, but it's not perfect to be anything! The grass is always greener on the other side at times...

I agree with the ladies who say you may want to reconsider your friendships. I've had some really good girlfriends in my life and I'll tell ya one thing: we've NEVER insulted each other this way. Women need to stick together, not tear each other down. Find some people with more positive, loving attitudes. You deserve it!


Well-known member
First things first, get new friends. Ditch those so-called "friends" immediately. Real friends don't insult each other to make themselves feel better.

Then, like claresauntie, I say, the grass is always greener. For me, large boobs suck. I'm counting down the days till I can have smaller ones. I know that isn't what you want to hear, but larger breasts can come with serious problems as well.

If YOU are unhappy with your chest size, go get a good padded bra and fake it! Either way, screw what your "friends" say because they suck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mac4ever
It's been years that I have problems with my small breasts.At school everyone was making fun of me,even my relatives and friends.Now at 22 still an AAcup my female friends still criticize me about my small breasts telling me that my body is not feminine(I have a similar body to Cameron Diaz') and they say that men don't like girls with small breasts and I know that they comment on my breasts when I am not there.All of my friends wear at least B-C cups and are in general fatter than me(hey have larger hips,thighs,belly etc) .I still have success to men and I feel more comfortable wearing a bikini in front of them.I know that curvaceous bodies are better but no one can decide his/her body type.Is this a reason to be called anorexic and non-feminine by my own friends?I feel awful,i I go home and cry,I even call off holidays with friends to avoid the comments about my breasts...My boyfriend is the only one that doesn't make me feel uncomfortable with my body,he really likes it(in general men like my body more than women even though they like curvaceous bodies more than thin ones).Women sometimes are mean to each other...

Just say it with me, I am a member of the IBTC!!!! And PROUD!

I rock an A cup, and yes I have thougt about a breast aug, and yes there are times when I wish I had more clevage, but generally, all the girls who have clevage, also have the "clevage" in other places too =p

I get called anarexic, twig, etc etc. But yah know what, I'd rather be thin, than a fat ass. I dont rock a muffin top, I dont have thunder thighs, my arms/chin dont jiggle. Etc.

Curvacious bodies aren't better. Believe me, every girl who has a "curvacious" body, hase body image issues too. They just dont worry about their clevage, they worry about how jiggly their tummy is, and if they are going to end up looking like Tyra Banks in those photo's of her on vacation in the swim suit.

And guys don't discriminate. For every guy out there who likes a thick girl, there is a guy out there who loves the twigs. Thats why bodies come in all shapes and sizes. Different strokes for different folks.

My advice? Get some skinny bitches for friends =p lol!!!! Instead of talking about how "boyish" your frame is, you'll get to talk about positive things about your body instead of hearing negative from your current ones. They are doing it to make themselves feel better about their own body image issues, by putting you down.

Also, you can wear clothing that flatters your frame. I personally dont wear a lot of tops that are cut to show clevage. I do however, love rocking short short short skirts. One thing about being skinny, you typically have rocking legs. So when your showing skin, instead of showing boobage, you show off your legs. Or if I have a pair of jeans on, you can show your tummy, because you wont have the jiggly muffin top your "curvacious" friends do. Heels are your friend too.

Being proud of your body is about working the angles that you were born with. When I go out to a bar or club, I've never had any shortage of attention from the boys. I'm sure your the same.


Well-known member
So I am pretty scrawny as far as my weight goes, but for some reason, I carry most if not all of my fat in my boobs
Let me tell you how lucky you are that you are small. My back aches, my neck aches, my breasts are covered in stretch marks, and I haven't seen my nipples since I was 19
I have always been a large C or D cup, but when I was pregnant, I went up to a 38 DD. Ouch. I was so large, I had issues breastfeeding. After I had my son, I started working out at a local gym and managed to get down to a large B or C cup. My neck and back don't hurt as much, but I would kill to be an A cup. When you are 45 years old, your breasts are going to look fantastic and all your friends will be jealous that theirs are hanging out with their bellybutton.


Well-known member
Ok hun I'm a very tiny and slim girl but I have big boobs that look HUGE on me. I'm 113 lbs and I wear a 34D ... at the age of 16 I had customers (when I worked at Macy's) asking me if my breasts were fake. They had no shame ... it happened to me recently last year when I worked at the bank. One of my regular customers leaned over and asked me if my breasts where fake because she wanted ones just like mine!!

So to get over it I think you just have to learn to laugh it off. Like I always say "hey at least I don't have to pay for some extra fat on my chest!" Comedy makes it better. :)

Trust me big boobs aren't all they're made out to be. I'm 20 and my back is always hurting. I can't wear a tube top or a backless dress. I can't wear a halter top without wearing a jacket to cover my bra. Plus they're big and real so a bra is ALWAYS needed.

People (ESPECIALLY WOMEN) are going to be mean whether you have your small breasts or you had big breasts. I know it's hurtful to hear these things but seriously don't listen to anything anyone else is saying to you about your body. It's your body, if they don't like it then they don't have to look.


Well-known member
I would say get better friends, or at least tell your friends not to say things like that. how would they feel if you pointed out their flaws? it sounds like you dont have as much of a problem with your breasts as your friends do. I am sure they aren't trying to be mean, but are just teasing you. just let them know that you take it seriously and that it hurts your feelings. I have small breasts but I wear a lot of padded bras which makes my clothes look better and makes it seem like i am bustier. my boyfriend likes my breasts and if you like yours and your bf likes yours, i dont see why it should matter what ur friends think of them.


Well-known member
I know a lot of guys who love girls like you!! There's a guy with every kind of preference imaginable (and some I don't want to imagine...) out there! I think it's a common thing for men to like small breasts. You'll find a guy like that I'm sure!!!


Well-known member
First, you need some better friends. If they're on you just because of the size of your boobs then they have some serious unadressed issues with themselves.

Secondly, I wouldn't wish my boobs on anyone. I've been a 36DD since I'm 13, but I've got an hourglass shape. This causes serious back/neck/shoulder problems, I can't wear most clothes that I like, I've had to literally duct tape my boobs down for gym and sports because I couldn't find a sports bra that fit right, or one where I wouldn't have to wear 3 or 4 bras. I haven't seen my feet since I'm twelve, and my bellybutton has been MIA since around the same time also.

In all honesty, I think girls who have small boobs are the luckiest ones. You've got 'em, so work with 'em darlin!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
For you to put up with those "friends" is crazy. They need to be slapped for those comments. Anorexia should NEVER be used as an insult. It's a serious problem.

It sounds like jealousy somewhat. If you have a body like Cameron Diaz's, ain't no shame in that! They have serious issues if they're that infatuated with your body. You don't need people to criticize you like that.

Breasts and curves aren't what make a women attractive or feminine. Men like different things and if they don't like you, screw them (I have major issues with people who declare stuff like "Real women have curves)! I have 32Ds, which mean I can't go without a bra and be comfortable, some shirts look ridiculous on me, and damned if I can find a bra that fits and looks attractive sometimes. I love my body and breasts, but there are many downsides to it, too.

There's really no such thing as a better or worse body when it comes to curves and such, as long as you're healthy.


Well-known member
You need new friends.

Just my opinion though
And flat chested girls are / can be just as hot as big boobed girls.

Exhibit: Kate Hudson.


Well-known member
Oh love! Seriously, drop the friends or at least realize that are not your real friends.

Don't worry about men... men love anything soft and round because they don't have it. You can probably rock some serious fashion that most larger booby ladies can't. Point is, be happy with what you have because the "greener" side has some big downfalls too you just don't hear about them.

Above all, you should find someone who supports you and loves you for who you are.


Well-known member
Those are just unacceptable comments from a "friend". Lose them, love yourself, be happy.

Take it from someone who is a 36DDD (and used to be a 36G, before I lost weight and toned up), the grass isn't always greener on this side. I would like to go jogging without wearing 2 bras, I would like every third guy I pass to NOT ogle my boobs, and sometimes they just get in the way.

There is no "type" that guys like. Take it from someone who has had mostly guy friends all of her life. When guy friends were talking about what kind of girl they liked or what types of features they found attractive, I was always surprised. The stereotype that guys only like the curvy, yet rail thin women is just that, a stereotype. Sounds like you have a good guy now, though.

Ahhhh, small boobs are adorable. Small breasts are not "non-feminine", they are just a different type of feminine. There are so many things that make up what can be considered "feminine". Breasts are just a small part of that. Tell your friends to love 'em or leave 'em!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Those are just unacceptable comments from a "friend". Lose them, love yourself, be happy.

Ahhhh, small boobs are adorable. Small breasts are not "non-feminine", they are just a different type of feminine. There are so many things that make up what can be considered "feminine". Breasts are just a small part of that. Tell your friends to love 'em or leave 'em!

Just what I thought...Coming from a girl who had Ds....then Cs...then G's while pregnant... (I'll probably be *rolling* my A skin breasts into a bra, when you are still flouncing around in a bikini.) all sizes pretty much suck at times. lol Love who you are because you are just what youre supposed to be!
My thing is...have you ever confronted the friends/family talking about you? Sometimes people close to you dont realize you are getting hurt by the jokes. Though it may seem obvious, stick up for yourself in a direct, non-joking way. If people arent remorseful...then you know it's time to move on. Wish you the best!

little teaser

Well-known member
dont worry the same people thats pokeing fun at your boobs are gonna wish they had them when gravity gets a hold of them and belive me no one with big boobs are gonna stay perky.. my mom is your size and she is in her 50's and they look like teenage boobs i wish mine were that size and perky after i had kids they werent the same so i had to get implants that i would trade anyday for my moms boobs..