Smashbox For Tori Amos - Pink & Glitter Kit


Well-known member

So yeah, I am a huge Tori Amos fan...and a huge cosmetics junkie and although I had always hoped MAC and Tori would collaborate, apparently Smashbox beat MAC to it.

There is a special Pink & Glitter kit, named after a song on Tori's latest album.
For me, I know resistance is futile and I should just pick it up now, but I have not been overly thrilled with Smashbox products in the past.

Has anyone seen this or tried any of these products yet?


Well-known member
Damn you Smashbox! I always get sucked into these gimmicks and just like you Swirlgirl, I am never super impressed with the products. Here we go again...


Well-known member
MAC+Tori Amos MUST happen in the future. Too many of her Aucoin photos and personalities are begging to have their own dedicated collection. I tried the eyeshadow at a NYC counter. Like many Smashbox products, I was unimpressed. :-(


Well-known member
I would be way more interested in this if Tori Amos hadn't gone completely around the bend after Scarlet's Walk, and if her music was still good. To be quite honest, her last couple of albums have been crappy, and I'm really sick of the gimmicks she's popping up with, from the seed packets to the comic book. I would rather she stop producing "1 album every 2 years" and maybe pull a Kate Bush (disappear for a decade or so) so she can produce more GOOD stuff. And maybe calm the Hell down.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kragey
I would be way more interested in this if Tori Amos hadn't gone completely around the bend after Scarlet's Walk, and if her music was still good. To be quite honest, her last couple of albums have been crappy, and I'm really sick of the gimmicks she's popping up with, from the seed packets to the comic book. I would rather she stop producing "1 album every 2 years" and maybe pull a Kate Bush (disappear for a decade or so) so she can produce more GOOD stuff. And maybe calm the Hell down.

I completely agree 100%. Scarlet's Walk is the last album I own and it was gifted (my name :p) . Such a dissapointment. And after numerous concerts over ten years, I now realize a good number of her songs sound the same. Even her experimental phase by singing cover songs was still... Tori-ish. Regardless, if MAC can harness the energy of American Doll Posse into a distinct lookbook collection for all the "personalities" of a modern girl, they'd have major hit on their hands.