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Smokey Teal Eyes


I did this look because I love using teal/aqua colors in a smokey eye. . I have really light brown eyes and they look amazing with these colors, I wish I would've added more black for some more drama, but I was wearing this in the daytime. =) hope you enjoy, check it out below.

YouTube - Smokey Teals Make-up Tutorial

Products Used:

Urban Decay Primer Potion
Rimmel Stir it up eyeshadow in #400 Out of the blue
88 shimmer palatte (Light Aqua Color)
MAC eyeshadow in Surreal
Lancome Eyeshadow in Statuesque
MAC eyeshadow in Llama (to blend everything)
Lancome Eyeshadow in Daylight
Shiseido Pen eyeline in Black
Bonebell Eyestyle Eyeline in Basic Black
Loreal Telescopic Mascara in Carbon Black
Nars Blush in Orgasm
VS Beauty Rush Lipgloss in Melonrageous