• As of January 16, 2018, all posts in this section are moderated. Please engage with the community within the rest of the forums, remembering that you may not post your own tutorial links outside this section. Also remember to put your content in the proper space.

    Tutorials posted outside this space will be removed. If you post a tutorial in this space and you don't make an effort to participate in the community outside this section, your post will be deleted.

Smokin' hot!!


Well-known member
You are absolutely smashing!!! This tutorial is smokin hot!! Thanks for sharing girlie! Can't wait to see more from you and your adorable hair!!


Well-known member
Great make-up! and another request (demand? lol!) for info on how you did your hair? How did you get the poof?

Please don't ignore our pleas for hair info!! heh!


Well-known member
You guys are all so nice.. and I won't ignore your cries.. someday I will do a tutorial. I think it's funny because that was like a bad hair day for me but thank you all!!!

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
I loooooooove it!!!
Now if you did a tutorial on how you do your brows and how you tease the hair, you'd be my absolute idol!


Well-known member
LOL this is awesome that you all said this nice stuff.. I can't believe people are still looking at this! My hair doesn't have any more blonde in it now! I will do a tutorial some day.. Next year. LOL after christmas maybe.


Active member
oh my gosh!!! has anyone ever told you, you look like katie holmes? only sexier of course!!! lol!!! your makeup and hair kick ass!!!