Smoking. Enough Said.


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I think this is a pretty big issue in dealing with health and excercise.

I've been dancing since I was about 3 years old and regrettably last year picked up a bad habit that comes in packs of 20 and puts an unhealthy dent in your wallet and smells awful.

Luckily I didn't get too attatched to the habit and quickly walked away from it. I couldnt breathe right, it made it hard to get through class, and I have this 'thing' about smelling good all the time and obviously that wasnt working for me.

I quit cold turkey. Started chewing Trident Orangey flavored gum and had no problem at all. But I have friends who either just cant seem to quit because either they dont want to bad enough or well, I dont know I guess its harder for some people.

Anyone here smoke? Quit smoking? How'd you do it? Why?


Well-known member
I smoke, and am currently in the process of quitting. Luckily, I have the support of my family and friends to help me. I really think the one who smokes REALLY must have the desire to quit..I've seen too many of my friends fail because their families want them to quit, and they don't want to.
I don't smoke that often, but I guess smoking in general is often enough. I was about up to a half pack a day before I decided I wanted to quit.
Thing is, health wasn't my main concern for quitting *SHOCK*. I've always hated the taste of cigs, the smell, the way the scent lingered on whatever hand I was holding it with. That, and all the money I was spending. Those were the reasons why I decided to quit.
I have no prejudice against anyone that smokes, because I believe it is a personal choice to start, then of course one gets addicted and can't seem to stop. But, in the end, it was too un-attractive and expensive! Addicted or not...haha


Well-known member
i'm a former smoker. i dated a guy who hated it and i stopped cold turkey.

i'll have the occasional cigarette but truth be told, just like peer pressure can influence you to do things, it can also turn you away from them.

Another Janice!

Well-known member
I smoke. I have for longer than I care to admit. I started because my best friend and I thought we were cool swiping our parents ciggys and hiding behind the houses to smoke.

Truth be told, I love to smoke. Yes, I know it is killing me softly. But I also know that I cannot quit until I really want to. And right now, I really DON'T want to. The longest I ever quit for was 10 days when I was 15 because I had my tonsils removed and it just hurt too bad. Why I ever lit another one is beyond me.

The smell sucks and so does the expense, but overall, I find it enjoyable.


Well-known member
I'm a former smoker too. I quit cold turkey when I did it..and it was 5 years ago. The getting wrinkles early and cancer was a good deterrent.


Well-known member
i quit cold turkey b/c i got pregnant. and my loving husband quit too... (although he uses chewing tobacco now, ugh) but i really can honestly say i don't miss it, i don't have cravings and i won't start again. i don't want wrinkles or cancer... at least prematurely.


Well-known member
I rarely smoke, but I do. I can never figure out what to tell people when they ask if I smoke.
It's not an addiction for me, nor is it due to peer pressure. It takes the edge off and yes, it makes me feel good. I never gave into the pressure to smoke with my friends when they did, I got cigarettes off people I knew on my own time and smoked alone. I have smoked a couple times with friends though, but only after I asked if I could have a hit of whatever they were smoking at the time.
It's not a habit and I don't condone it in any way. I hate the smell, which is probably why I never picked up the habit. But it nearly always makes me feel better, and it's better than the other drugs I've been tempted to get into...
It's bad for me and I know it, which is why I don't do it very often...

If you haven't started, don't start now. If you are addicted, I'd advise quitting. Myself, I'm on middle ground and I won't change that until I have to. But the more distance you put between yourself and anything containing tobacco, tar and nicotine will make you better off for it.


Well-known member
im sorry but thats a bunch of bull that its a personal choice smoking not only causes harm to the person who smokes but it also causes pollution in the air and and to the people around smokers so it damages all of us.

I was talking to this guy who use to work at the labratorys for phillip morris around a year ago. [btw he didnt smoke at all] and he said that his team of people had developed a cigarette that was non addictive and wouldnt harm the body. Guess what 1 week later he was fired all of his studys were destroyed and he was instructed to never tell anybody about this beacuse if he did then "bad stuff" could happen.

Why would you want to give your money to a company that tests and torchures animals and they certainly dont care about you.

Cigs contain Arsenic, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, tar and carbon monoxide and some other poisons mmmm yummy.

And btw phillip morris also owns those gum companys that claim to help you stop smoking. Btw those gums have nicotine in them thats why they help. But i guess it is better just to have the nicotine and not the rest.

Ive never been rude to smokers infact ive even dated a smoker but now ive seen a few smokers say their vegan and love animals and also ooo when they see a car driving down the road that has shit comming out the tail pipe their like omg why is that on the road.
Yet their doing the same thing?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaizyDeath
... ive seen a few smokers say their vegan and love animals and also ooo when they see a car driving down the road that has shit comming out the tail pipe their like omg why is that on the road.
Yet their doing the same thing?

These are the funniest people of them all.

It IS a personal choice, you can either choose to not smoke/be addicted/admit it or you can choose to pollute the air/cause harm to yourself and others/stink like crap/have bad breathe/have bad teeth/get crazy when you don't get your fix.

But I don't know if it's hipocritical of me to say every once in a blue moon I enjoy a cigar. I'm not addicted, and it RARELY happens because I hate the taste it leaves on my breathe.


Well-known member
I don't think it's a choice to get addicted, but CHOOSING to START smoking IS a "personal choice." It does cause pollution, secondhand smoke kills, and it does harm the enviroment and everyone in it.
Yet the choice to START, is in fact, a personal choice.

Phillip Morris does own "stop smoking" aids, and they contain nicotine because when your body is so addicted and dependant on nicotine, it can be damaging to quit cold turkey, and it's a lot harder. They work by weaning your body off nicotine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
I don't think it's a choice to get addicted, but CHOOSING to START smoking IS a "personal choice." It does cause pollution, secondhand smoke kills, and it does harm the enviroment and everyone in it.
Yet the choice to START, is in fact, a personal choice.

THAT'S what I meant to say... not the addiction , the starting.


Well-known member
i smoke. i have for a couple years, off and on.

i'm not necessarily "quitting", but i am slowing down, and i can go for days without a cigarette. i tend to be more of a social smoker, especially since most of my friends smoke, and when we go for a night out, cigarettes almost always get factored into our plans, lol.

i do believe in being respectful, though, of non-smokers. i know how aggravating and ulhealthy smoking is, and i try, to the best of my ability to do it when there aren't others around. i'm aware that second-hand smoke kills, so i try to be as reppectful as possible.


Well-known member
I smoked at school somtimes, if I could get cigarettes then when I got to college I started smoking 20 a day for around 6 months.

I quit when my mum was pregnant and had my brother, but truth is, I think deep down, I'm still a smoker and will smoke again when I move out.

I haven't smoked for around two years now (except for like twice, at a party) and I will try my best to keep that up, but when I'm living alone who knows what will happen?


Well-known member
Thanks for all of your replies.

I had a minnor slip up in my nice long streak of not smoking this past a party, having a few drinks, "hey lets go smoke a jack..." blah blah blah....went from there to me going to the 7-11 to grab my own later that night. Now, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I'm a little mad at myself. When I first started dating my boy, we both smoked. I quit right before Christmas vaca as my parents are super against it (they made my grandparents stop smoking or they couldnt come see me when I was born...they quickly did) After the first of the year, my boyfriend quit too. I was so proud of him. About two months ago though, he started slipping back in there, and I was *ofcourse* giving him a bit of crap for it, telling him it was gross, that I didnt like it; I wasnt telling him NO but just what I thought after the long absence of Marlboro Menthol Lights from our lives.

So now! I feel like a bit of a hypocrit.



Well-known member
Through my parents divorce and subsequent remarriages, I had 8 grandparents at one time. 5 out of 8 were smokers. Of the 5....

One died of emphysema, one died of throat cancer, 2 more have emphysema now, another has had throat cancer, but was able to survive through treatment. Unfortunately, the treatment scared her throat so badly, she lost the ability to swallow and now has to use a feeding tube in her stomach.

I am sorry if this is too graphic for some, but this is what the harsh reality of smoking is. I have spent too many days in hospitals watching people I love try to breathe.

Quit now....for yourself and those who love you. I know it is hard, but every effort you make gets you closer to being smoke free.


Well-known member
My mom quit smoking after getting some sort of laser treatment, then stopped again after hypnosis. She is bad and started up again though.


Well-known member
I'm not a smoker; never smoked, never will. But, my dad smoked (2-3 packs/day) for over 40 years and just 3 years ago he had a major heart attack and almost didn't make it. He had 2 stents put in one of his major coronary arteries, which was 90% blocked. He was told by the docs he needed to quit cold turkey. And they said that his smoking habit was the primary cause/reason he had the heart attack. Needless to say, he struggled to quit and from time to time for the first few months he'd sneak cigs. After my mom caught him and brought it to his attention that it was a matter of life or death and he needed to quit altogether, he finally gave up. He hasn't touched a cig since. The docs even said his heart is starting to get stronger where it was damaged from the heart attack. I don't know first hand what it's like to quit, but I did witness my dad struggle with quitting, and to be quite honest, he's doing so much better health wise.

I wish you luck in your quest to kick the habit for good!


Well-known member
I smoke about 40 malboro lights a day, and I know it's awful for your health but i enjoy my cigarettes too much to give up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Another Janice!
Truth be told, I love to smoke. Yes, I know it is killing me softly.

There's nothing soft about lung cancer or coronary artery disease. I've had many members of my family die prematurely from smoking related diseases and none had a pleasant death.

The lung picture below is a genuine autopsy/post mortem picture of a smoker's and a non-smoker's lungs and heart. As well as the obvious difference of colour due to tar and soot, the heart in the smoker is significantly enlarged as it has to work harder to pump blood through compromised lungs.

I should also add that when I was at medical school I saw (and dissected) this sort of damage first hand. It isn't pretty.



Well-known member
Oh yuck....I hate how that looks...I'd rather my body be pretty on the inside as well as the outside.....

AH! and I came clean to the boyfriend about my slip up. He forgave, but told me 'Baby, there is NO reason for you to be smoking! You're too good/pretty/blah blah blah/boyfriend mushyness...for that!"

I shall work harder.