a customer, what /is/ the proper (read:safest) way to test display products?


Well-known member
It's funny how many times I read about MA's being grossed out by how a customer chooses to sample the display products.

I /get/ that, but only because I'm a bit of a germaphobe so handle products on display accordingly.

However...even though I think I'm pretty savvy as a customer, no MA has EVER explained to me safe techniques for testing products...and I've never been shown a sign that would make this information available to the browsing public.


How is the general public to know or understand what is proper/safe to do with the product, if no one takes the time to teach them?

Enlighten at least us specktra-folk so we can continue to feel superior in our makeup knowledge.



Well-known member
I think you pose an excellent question. Most of the time, I don't see any cotton, q-tips, tissues etc near the eyeshadows or anything else for that matter. I don't know what they want you to do. I just test items on my hand. I will assume that they want you to touch the makeup because how else will you know what you want. Otherwise, I could buy CoverGirl or Maybelline already pre-packaged.


Well-known member
yeh im glad u posted this too... everytime i go to the counter i NEVER see tissues/cotton buds or anything so i NEVER test anything i'd rather just be on the safe side but before i noticed they hid the boxes of tissues behind the eyeshadow stand which is abit stupid


Well-known member
What's even more scary is the Rimmel packaging of their lip liner/eye liner. I saw them yesterday at Ulta's and they are all sold as unwraped items. Customers can literally open the cap, try it on "somwhere", and put it right back to the shelf for the next sucker to BUY that same pen - thinking it is brand new. What is the company thinking? Yuk!!


Well-known member
Yes, good question. Although I see qtips/applicators at MAC and Sephora, I still prefer to just get the assistance of an MA at MAC. I try to go when my favorite MA's are there, and they usually just swatch a product on the back of their hand or mine. I let them handle it. At Sephora, I grab a handful of applicators and swatch away.


Well-known member
That's odd. My mac freestanding store has q-tips by the eyeshadow and paintpots, disposable lip brushes by the lipsicks and lipglasses, disposable mascara wands by the mascara... Just about the only thing I can think of that doesn't have some disposable implement next to it are the shadesticks and concealers. Maybe they got tired of really gross customers.


When I used to work behind the counter I'd see ladies (usually older ones) come by and pick up a lipstick and just TRY IT! EWWWWWWW! no wiping, no alcohol, just straight to their lips. Even when there are lipstick testers that can be wiped with alcohol, i STILL do not trust it. I don't think that alcohol will do much when your just lightly spraying it and just wiping off any droplets. Imagine someone had herpes? ew! I can't even stand to think of it. My general rule is...if it comes in a tube I can at least squeeze it on my hand.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
yeh im glad u posted this too... everytime i go to the counter i NEVER see tissues/cotton buds or anything so i NEVER test anything i'd rather just be on the safe side but before i noticed they hid the boxes of tissues behind the eyeshadow stand which is abit stupid

i so totally agree with you on that one. my store does the same thing. im like "hello! i need to use the freaking tissues to clean off my hand from all the sparkles from the shadows." i hate having to maneuver through the slots in between the eyeshadow stands. but i do have to give them credit though, they do keep plenty of q-tips, lip brushes and and liner brushes readily available and stocked in between each product for the customers use and disposal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
yeh im glad u posted this too... everytime i go to the counter i NEVER see tissues/cotton buds or anything so i NEVER test anything i'd rather just be on the safe side but before i noticed they hid the boxes of tissues behind the eyeshadow stand which is abit stupid

we don't HIDE them behind the displays. that is usually the only counter space for them. the only thing that we have out in front are q-tips for customers to swatch shadows with. lipglass/mascara wands and sponges are behind displays cause 1. there is room for them and 2. when they are in front people either steal them or double dip. this way we either dip for them or if they dip we can stop them before they double dip.

how customers can swatch:

shadows/powders/creams: use q-tips to swatch on the back of your hand. don't use your fingers. the oils in skin harden the top layer of shadow & powders and breaks down the consistancy of creams.
mascara/lipglass: as a MA for a wand
lipsticks/liners (eye & lip): swatch on the back of your hand. if you like the color, ask a MA to sanitize it so you can try it on.
liquid foundations: as a MA to color match you.


Well-known member
shadows/powders/creams: use q-tips to swatch on the back of your hand. don't use your fingers. the oils in skin harden the top layer of shadow & powders and breaks down the consistancy of creams.

I guess this varies from location to location, because last time I went to Mac, the MA said to just use my fingers in the shadows. I even double checked with her, and she said just use my fingers. I only swatched them on the back of my hand, but didn't seem right.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
I guess this varies from location to location, because last time I went to Mac, the MA said to just use my fingers in the shadows. I even double checked with her, and she said just use my fingers. I only swatched them on the back of my hand, but didn't seem right.

you were right to feel weird. do you ever look at the shadows and see a slick, shiney layer on top? that is from the oils in people's fingers. if someone starts to put their finger in something, we are all like, "ooh, there are some q-tips right there if you want to try the shadows". i don't get why people just stick their fingers in things.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
you were right to feel weird. do you ever look at the shadows and see a slick, shiney layer on top? that is from the oils in people's fingers. if someone starts to put their finger in something, we are all like, "ooh, there are some q-tips right there if you want to try the shadows". i don't get why people just stick their fingers in things.

Hmm...well not the MA at my Mac. She encouraged the finger business :confused:


Active member
Imagine someone had herpes?

Herpes cannot be transferred through using a contaminated tube of lipstick. Other germs maybe so, but those are things that you have contact with in any day to day life, if the organisms are able to survive on non-living surfaces.


Well-known member
Ok at MAC we don't want the customer to sanitize or clean products. If you want to try anything on just let the MA know. Even if you know to dip the lipstick in alcohol DONT! On a daily basis we are testering out lipsticks that customers tried to sanitize and actually just broke. If you want to try anything just tell us.


Well-known member
usually when i am at the mac counter...the MAs will use their fingers and hands to swatch products so i do the same. some will hand out q-tips, but they say fingers are fine...i is so hard to get the feel of something with a q-tip.

also, sometimes the q-tips leave marks in the eyeshadows which make them look hella ugly.

i have had an MA give me a brush from their belt to try stuff on....

i mean, i always use hand sanitizer before and after i start swatching because i am a germ freak anyways.


Well-known member
I swatch eyeshadows/blush with my fingers but thats only because there are never any qtips or brushes around to use! On top of that, most of the time the sales assistants or MUA's are busy with other customers and I don't feel like standing around waiting for one of them to help me. If they don't want us using our hands then provide us with something damn it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spectrolite
I swatch eyeshadows/blush with my fingers but thats only because there are never any qtips or brushes around to use! On top of that, most of the time the sales assistants or MUA's are busy with other customers and I don't feel like standing around waiting for one of them to help me. If they don't want us using our hands then provide us with something damn it

Yup, I've never seen any Q-tips etc at any Melbourne counters, and its often hard to find the tissues even behind the displays. And its often virtually impossible to get any help from the MAs (they are notoriously rude around here :S ) so I have to just use fingers. It means its pretty bloody hard to try lip products or mascara etc though...


Well-known member
powder products like blush or e/s: i generally use my fingers to swipe it on the back of my hand. the counter i go to NEVER has qtips around. if i'm lucky and they're not busy the MAs i know will usually hand a brush over to me and let me loose. powders are not a good breeding ground for any nasties so this doesn't fuss me too much.

eyeliner, lipstick, lipliner, any other creamy products: swatch on the back of my hand. if it's a creamy product (like cream blush) i try to get an applicator or qtip as the creams can harbour germs.

lipgloss, mascara - get a sterile wand and try on the back of my hand. i'll try mascara on my eyes only if i'm really doubtful about it. generally i put a dab on the back of my hand, let it dry, then test how smudgey it is. lipgloss will only go on my lips if it's like a MAC one that has the applicator cut off, and again only if i'm really unsure of the colour. i will never, ever put lipgelee on my lips from a tester as i've seen too many girls pick them up and apply them straight on their own lips... thus letting some lovely (not) leftover gloss get pushed back into the tube when the lid goes back on.


Well-known member
With lipstick, I ask for it to be cleaned otherwise I use it on my hand.

I don't like testing lip gloss on my lips. I get a new applicator and test it on my hand.

I have used e/s on my eyes with a new applicator. I haven't heard about sterilizing that. It would be a good idea.

Mascara is tested from a brand new sampler.

Foundation is tested on a new sponge on my the side of my face.

I don't know if all these are the correct way, but this is how I do it.