So, I get into a relationship and then I decide I dont want to be in it.


Well-known member
So I don't know what my problem is, perhaps its just the teenage thrill of having a relationship but I seem to persue relationships successfully and then just days after feel like I want to be single again.

I just became 'official' with this great guy. You know the ultra caring type?

I dont know, I wanted to be in a relationship of sorts with him for a while. but now im having second thoughts, perhaps like... The fear of commitment?

I want to know if any of you ladies are/were like this? I feel so odd.

Im going to give this thing a chance and if it doesn't feel better after a few weeks then ill end it...


Well-known member
My friend was like this with her boyfriend, she gave it a try, and now theyre together and happy. I mean you should try it, but if you think its not gonna be right then break up with him.


Well-known member
I used to be exactly like you. I liked the thrill of the chase, but once you had him, then what?

I think it was something that I grew out of. You said you were a teenager? Give yourself time. I dated on and off throughout high school and college and what did I have to show for it?

I finally took a few years (it sounds long, but I'm that kind of person) to find out for myself what kind of guy I really wanted and if I wanted him for him or for the chase of it. Some people know right off the bat-- some people (like me) have to discover it.

It usually comes when you're not looking. The guy I'm with now-- I had NO IDEA that he liked me. He came into my workplace everyday and I took him as just a regular customer. Finally, he asked me to a club and we've been dating for almost three years now.

This thing you have? Yeah, give it a few weeks and if you really don't feel that it's right, don't stick in it-- you'll hurt him more than anything. If he or the relationship is not right for you, then break it off. It sounds mean, but put yourself in his place-- would you want to be in a relationship that the person's just with you for the sake of it?

I hope everything works out.


Well-known member
I hope it does too, thanks for the advice you two. Ill give it a go. If i still feel the same at the end of Feb, which is about a month of time. Then ill break it off. I really do hope it works out though, Kevins a nice guy and I really don't want to hurt his feelings in any way.


Well-known member
how old are you?

its totally normal to feel like that its kind of like, once the chase is over you think "ok now what" just enjoy the time you spend with him.. if hes annoying or isnt givin you what u need then break it off.. but if you cant go a day without calling him just to say hi, id say stick around

Beauty Marked

Well-known member
yeah i feel like that all the time....i want what i cant have and when i have him i dont want him anymore...and also if i see something on the shelf, i dont want it until i see it another girls grocery cart(lol) again i want what i cant have bc he's taken...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chelly
how old are you?

its totally normal to feel like that its kind of like, once the chase is over you think "ok now what" just enjoy the time you spend with him.. if hes annoying or isnt givin you what u need then break it off.. but if you cant go a day without calling him just to say hi, id say stick around

I'd be 16, Actually I think MSN is my problem. He's different on it then he is in person and since we live on opposite sides of the city we use that to communicate a lot of the time.
I'm going to start calling him instead I think
We hung out yesterday and that was grand, We baked cookies, cooked dinner and played video games. I really enjoyed that


how long have you been going out with him? how long have you known him? give your relationship some time and see how you settle into it. good luck to you


Well-known member
Yeah i'm staying in it. The boy is pretty much amazing and I have so much respect for him.
I was totally stressing out about the next few months tonight and this is the response i recieved.

"hey, if you need some time to do some stuff i can live with seeing you once a week. im williing to make that sacrifice and not demand your time so you fail at school. ill be patient i can wait. you're amazing, don't think you have to put it all on the line for me.
thanks and ya. i know its gonna be tough. it will be tough, i can garauntee it. and by all means, if it means you getting better at chem than me seeing you once more in the week. definitley go for the chem, cause that way the time we have together is better. besides, if you're playing sports i can cheer you guys on and such. we could have coffee after the game or something like theres always that. this ig gonna be tough. but like i said last night. im willing to fight for you every step of the way. and man i think the world of you. and man, you're amazing. but!, this is our problem. we will fix it. and hey, absence makes the heart grow fonder. so basically. well get through this day by day. and week by week"

I pretty much stumbled upon being told that. He's amazing.